
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Wall Street Journal Op-Ed Says Ahmadinejad May Have "Cataclysmic Events" In Store For August 22nd


Of course, we've been on this for weeks here at Infidel Bloggers Alliance. But, when the Wall Street Journal starts saying the same thing, even I prick up my ears:

In a WALL STREET JOURNAL op-ed Tuesday, Princeton's Bernard Lewis writes: "There is a radical difference between the Islamic Republic of Iran and other governments with nuclear weapons. This difference is expressed in what can only be described as the apocalyptic worldview of Iran's present rulers."

"In Islam as in Judaism and Christianity, there are certain beliefs concerning the cosmic struggle at the end of time -- Gog and Magog, anti-Christ, Armageddon, and for Shiite Muslims, the long awaited return of the Hidden Imam, ending in the final victory of the forces of good over evil, however these may be defined."

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "and his followers clearly believe that this time is now, and that the terminal struggle has already begun and is indeed well advanced. It may even have a date, indicated by several references by the Iranian president to giving his final answer to the US about nuclear development by Aug. 22," which this year corresponds "to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427.

This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to 'the farthest mosque,' usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (c.f., Koran XVII.1).

"This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. It is far from certain that Mr. Ahmadinejad plans any such cataclysmic events precisely for Aug. 22. But it would be wise to bear the possibility in mind."

Jihad Watch has another excerpt from the same editorial:

What is the significance of Aug. 22? This year, Aug. 22 corresponds, in the Islamic calendar, to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427. This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to "the farthest mosque," usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (c.f., Koran XVII.1). This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. It is far from certain that Mr. Ahmadinejad plans any such cataclysmic events precisely for Aug. 22. But it would be wise to bear the possibility in mind.

A passage from the Ayatollah Khomeini, quoted in an 11th-grade Iranian schoolbook, is revealing. "I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [i.e., the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom which is martyrdom. Either we shake one another's hands in joy at the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours."

What do you think you'll do on August 22nd? Is this just more Islamist crap, or will you actually be worried come that day?


The focus should be on Iran for the reasons Bernard Lewis outlines.

Lewis is not known to be an alarmist or even hostile to Islam. He clearly sees that Ahmadinajad is in a class by himself. The guy is genuinely dangerous and not open to reason. And he’s hard to predict – too hard. The more we wait the greater the risk of something apocalyptic.


  1. I'm glad you posted that I was going to try to post it myself.

    The focus should be on Iran for the reasons Bernard Lewis outlines. Lewis is not known to be an alarmist or even hostile to Islam. He clearly sees that Ahmadinajad is in a class by himself. The guy is genuinely dangerous and not open to reason. And he’s hard to predict – too hard. The more we wait the greater the risk of something apocalyptic. Have you noticed that Hezbollah’s skill in hitting long-range targets is improving? Also note that Israel was taken by surprise when it comes to knowing exactly what Hezbollah has from Iran.

    I’m furious that our government is trying to stop Israel … ceasefire is no substitute for victory. It’s only a pause to allow Hezbollah to regroup for a later attack.

  2. I added your comment to the post. I've never paid any attention to Bernard Lewis, so I had forgotten that he is considered a moderate.

  3. Thanks.

    BTW, I noticed Hugh Fitzgerald and Andrew Bostom are saying of Lewis “too little, to late.” I wouldn’t bring up his past gullibility at this time, when he’s clearly warning people who don’t even want to see the immediate danger. He’s got Ahmadinejad’s number. I only wish the MSM got that much.

  4. I just heard Michael Medved interviewing Ken Timmerman. Medved said he hadn't heard about the signifigance of August 22nd until he read the Lewis column today.

    It seems that people like Medved would be wise to start reading this blog.

    Epaminondas was the first person I saw in the blogosphere with that info, and he posted it here first. That was well over two weeks ago. Maybe three.

    That's what having 30-something bloggers, stationed all over the world, will do for you.

  5. I'm writing from my personal view as a Zionist Jew, but it's relevant:

    Among the secular Jews and the non-Zionist religious Jews there's been over the years quite a ferocious debate about trusting in the army vs. trusting in G-d: secular Jews would say, "without the IDF, there'd easily be another Holocaust". The religious non-Zionists would say, "without religious observance, the IDF would achieve nothing".

    The religious Zionist Jews (that's me) would concede both, and now I see how right that is: without the IDF, the Arab armies and later the Palestinians and Hizbullah would have overrun Israel by now; but against Iranian atom bombs, I think it's clear only G-d can be trusted.

  6. Zionist Youngster,
    And, I think G-d will protect Israel. I have a "feeling" about it.

    Syria might not feel so good about the results, however.

  7. Pastorius

    We've discussed this before on how even those in the media like Medved are unaware of the hundreds of blogs now that are covering this cataclysmic struggle bewteen Islam and the West. We should be emailing Medved, Rush, Hannity, Prager and others and tell them they are missing a whole sector of informationa and commentary that they should know about. They know that blogs exist. Perhaps their producers are only scanning the political blogs and are not aware of the 101st Fighting Keybees.

  8. i have a feeling that if a terrorist attack is planned against the USA it will happen on 8/22 and by those 11 (eleven) missing "egyptians".

    i think the islamomaniacs would love to attack us on that day. it would be an impotant date for them to commit suicide/genocide and try to ignite an apocalyptic battle.

    i think they'd like to use wmd and have a terrifying effect - more terrifying than 9/11.

    nukes fit the bill the best, but no one thinks they have one yet - at least of their own.

    but maybe they have had noko nukes for a while. maybe they're here - awaiting re-asemblage.

    if kimjongil sold them a few, then he would know they were gonna be used and he would have a good reason not to negotiate with us - thinking we might go down.

    but it would take more than 50 nukes to finish us off. we could survive less than 50.

    maybe they will attack baghdad with a nuke? kill all those shias and us troops?

    maybe they will nuke tel aviv or haifa? or use chem/bio?

    dunno. i think it's not likely to occur on any day soon, but a little more on that date than any other.

    naturally, if it happens, we would have to respond in kind x1000.

  9. Reliapundit,
    I have also given some thought to the possible connection between August 22nd, and the missing Egyptians.

    However, I'm trying to cut down on the paranoia in my diet, so I haven't written about it.

    I might be cutting down at the wrong time,huh?

  10. WC,
    I've got to get off my ass and do that.

    By the way, IBA broke story on July 8th. That was one month before the MSM finally got to it.

  11. This is too alarming to ignore, hence Lewis' concern. You are quite right in saying that he is hardly an alarmist. I'm going to go try to wrangle some facts out of some of the Shi'a I know of, if I can find them. Shi'a "end times" theology is a rather odd and mystical area, not unlike most religions' take on the subject if they have one. The difference here is a nutjob who actually is trying to bring it about.

    I'm worried about the date, personally. Dates hold much significance in these attacks, always have it seems. And especially this date, the "night flight" into the heart of Israel itself, that is intensely troubling.

    Pastorius, I too have taken a break from this. I'm also thinking wrong time as well. Back to work as much as possible.
