
Monday, August 07, 2006

Well then, how about deliberately altering the facts to suit a political purpose

There is no graver breach of Reuters standards for our photographers than the deliberate manipulation of an image

was the statement of the global picture editor of Reuters as they removed all 920 pictures by Adnan Haj.

But the problem is not Hajj, he is a symptom. The problem is the underlying purpose of what Reuters does. Those photos appeared, just like the National Guard fake, because the underlying bias of the entire news organization caused them to accept at face value what was false because they agreed with the result.

Fix that Reuters.

The rather awful manipulations were so incompetent that they were visible to the naked eye of non technical people.

I don't buy that the editors were fooled. I buy they didn't look because their political bias against Israel ( let's not forget the scientific fact that anti zionism predicts anti semitism) was confirmed by the substance of the underlying message in the lie.

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1 comment:

  1. I don't buy that the editors were fooled. I buy they didn't look because their political bias against Israel

    I agree, Epa.
