
Friday, August 04, 2006

We're Losing The War

Barbara Lerner of National Review says we are losing the war:

Today, Iran’s emboldened mullahs are on a triumphant roll, waging a bloody, three-front proxy war against us, using the Mahdi army to assassinate dreams of peace and democracy in Iraq, using Hezbollah to blow up those same dreams in Lebanon, again, and using Hamas to make a grotesque mockery of them in the Holy Land.

Now they threaten to activate Hezbollah terror cells, here in America and throughout the world, to kill and maim us at home and inflict more carnage on our allies. This week, they mocked our efforts to prevent them from becoming a nuclear power, announcing that nothing we do — in the U.N. or elsewhere — will stop them from going nuclear, and sharing their WMDs with other rogue states and Islamofascist terror groups at will.

More ominous yet, they threaten to unleash an apocalyptic surprise on us on August 22, the night they believe Mohammed lit up the skies by ascending to heaven from the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

Despite all this and more, we have yet to admit that Iran is at war with us, or to seriously consider striking back at her, and, in speaking of our own war aims, we never dare use the v-word — victory — anymore. Instead, we make head-in-the-sand happy-talk about “peace,” “democracy,” and “ceasefires,” rejecting any military action against Iran for fear of “widening the war” — as if Iran were not already at war with us — and rely on the U.N. and “the international community” to thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions and to prevent her proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah, from continuing to bring death and destruction to our smallest, truest, and most vulnerable ally, Israel.

In doing this, we ignore two obvious realities: rather than restraining Iran, U.N. heavyweights Russia and China are busy arming her, and the perfidious EU will not even recognize the plain fact that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. Instead, these old-Europe “allies” join with our Islamofascist enemies in demonizing our brave soldiers in Iraq, and damning Israel for daring to fight back against unprovoked aggression, pursued with openly genocidal intent.

We should not wait, passively, for the Iranians to unveil their surprise. We should light up the skies with our own surprise: a massive aerial bombardment that wipes out most of Iran’s nuclear facilities, and decimates the ranks of its mullahs as well as those of the Revolutionary Guard and Basij forces that keep them in power, defeating these monsters and decimating their fan base by shattering their image of invincibility.

Retired air force Lt. General Tom McInerney already has a plan to wipe out most of Iran’s nuclear facilities from the air. As I’ve argued , we should augment it with additional targets and let fly, as soon as possible, with no forewarning, for maximum effect.

Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu, one of the few who argues in public for a similarly bold course sums it up this way:

By waiting for a first strike we are put in a position of playing a retaliation game after we have already endured unacceptable losses in population and perception. Once America and Israel are seen as weak enough to defeat, then the international jackals will all join in for the kill. This is what our enemies hope to accomplish…We face a crisis of major proportions. Hesitation may be fatal.

He’s right. The time to act is now.


  1. We NEED larger armed forces. But never mind.

    It's OBVIOUS to win in Lebanon Syria has to stop of be killed, and for Syria to stop, Iran has to be killed. The corollary to all this -- Georgie are you listening, is that Iran no longer plays in Iraq once the mullahs assume room temperature.

    I've said it before...relentless, merciless decapitation strikes, and prepar for the hit back here with the warning to them that we arr prepared to use ALL OUR MIGHT.

    Somebody please figure out that this is all for real in DC. This is for keeps.

  2. Epa,
    I am despairing. It seems that the only thing that is going to get us to face facts is when the facts become so horrible that we have no other choice but to face them.

  3. It abundantly serves the Americans right who have denied the danger of Islam for Hezbollah to commit acts of terrorism in the United States. People have brains and when religious nuts threaten violence over and over and over again and people refuse to listen, then they should reap their justice. We are responsible for what befalls us if we have been warned. It's only pity that people like us who have tried to warn the American people of their danger also get hurt.

    At least, I think America still has enough of spine for there to be a backlash. I'm not sure what would be enough to save most European countries.

  4. The author, I’m afraid, is speaking truth to impotence. But I’d love to be surprised with that McInerney’s plan.

    I remember talking about the Aug 22nd date.
