
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

World War III: 21 Days in August – Part 3

From The Gathering Storm

Over the last several months, the bloggosphere has contained many articles on what I call the Winds of War. I started thinking about how the coming world war would play out if we took these random opinions and news items and stitched them together portraying, over the next 5 days, one scenario of how World War III will enfold. Granted there are others, but this one, as an escalation process, I believe is most likely grounded in what pundits are saying the coming war would look like. It starts a few years out, but the scenario could begin to unfold tomorrow.

21 Days in August

Day Nine: 6:10 PM PST
The words of the EU authorities have done little good. The violence is out of hand. Today a wave of terrorist attacks has spread across Europe. The media across Europe are asked by governments – sounded like pleaded to me - to report these incidents without raising undue alarm.

Yeah, right.

The Counter-Terrorism blog reports that car bombings outside restaurants and other public places and suicide attacks on the centers of Europe’s transportation networks have forced people to lock themselves in their homes, afraid to venture out. Once popular and packed European landmarks and entertainment areas are ghost towns. More NATO troops are called unto the streets. Several major cities in Europe become large Sarajevos. Many cities are under Martial Law.

The European intelligence agencies are looking desperately for some kind of central control who may be directing the Muslim riots. But the jihadists are not centralized. They cannot always control the actions of their diverse cells or lone fanatics. Sooner or later someone will go too far.

Day Ten: 7:30 AM PST
The unthinkable has happened. At the height of the work day rush to office, several chemical bombs go off killing thousands in Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Moscow and Madrid. Hugh explosions damage or destroy symbolically important targets, the cathedral at Charters, the Louvre, the Kremlin, and the Channel Tunnel. Europe in under siege. Martial Law is declared throughout Europe. To make matters worse, right wing demagogues prowl the streets demanding that any and all Muslims be rounded up and interned to prevent further terrorist attacks. Political opportunists in the now impotent EU, play to these right wing fascist elements to gain political power in their countries. The EU as a functioning entity is dead. The UN continues to debate the term ‘terrorism’ and what to do about the crisis in Europe. DAFKA reported that all NATO forces are recalled from their peace keeping duties In the Mid-East. This does not bode well for Israel.

Day Eleven: 7:30 AM PST
It didn’t take long. The day after NATO troops were withdrawn from the mid-East, Hezbollah launched long range rockets from Lebanon deep into Israel. Debka reports that Iranian rocket crews are manning the Zelzal-2 missiles on their mobile launchers and were deployed along the Syrian side of the Syrian-Lebanese border. When the order was given the rocket crews crossed the Lebanese/Syrian border and launched on cities just north of Tel Aviv. Israel warned that it will strike at the missile launches inside Syria to halt the attacks. Debka writes that this plays into Syria and Iran’s hands. If Israel attacks Syria, Iran said they will “Wipe the Zionist pigs from the face of the earth”. The President of the US pledges that if Israel is attacked by Iran, “We will support our ally” and warns Iran in the strongest terms not to enter the war with Israel.

Day Twelve: 9:10 AM PST
Iran raises the ante today. Iran Watch reported the Iranian government’s response to the US warning. "The White House's 80 years of exclusive rule are likely to become 80 seconds of hell that will burn to ashes. Those who resist Iran will be struck from directions they never expected. Iran will cause the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization. There are 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and in the West. We have already spied on these sites and we know how we are going to attack them."

Debka reports this quote from an Iranian Revolutionary Guard officer, “Iran's missiles are now ready to strike at Western targets, and as soon as the instructions arrive, we will launch our missiles at their cities and installations." The warning was written off by the President saying there are no reports of Iran having ballistic missiles that can reach the US. The public is not assured.

It could all be bluster but I told my wife to go down to Costco and stock up on canned goods and other household supplies, including bottled water. I told her it was just a precaution but I knew things were about to get dicey.

Just heard that Homeland Security raised the terrorist threat level to ‘Extreme’. The cable news channels all report that HomeSec has intelligence of an imminent terrorist attack. They ask citizens to be aware of suspicious activity by individuals and report it immediately to their local police or FBI. The Counter Terrorism blog reports of Hezbollah cells ordered to activate by Iran. I call my wife and tell her to double the amount of toilet paper.

Read Part 4 tomorrow. Visit The Gathering Storm to see previous Parts.

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