
Thursday, August 10, 2006

World War III: 21 Days in August – Part 4

From The Gathering Storm

Over the last several months, the bloggosphere has contained many articles on what I call the Winds of War. I started thinking about how the coming world war would play out if we took these random opinions and news items and stitched them together portraying, over the next 5 days, one scenario of how World War III will enfold. Granted there are others, but this one, as an escalation process, I believe is most likely grounded in what pundits are saying the coming war would look like. It starts a few years out, but the scenario could begin to unfold tomorrow.

21 Days in August

Day Thirteen: 6:10 PM PST
It happened. What Israel experiences every other day has arrived in America. Five suicide bombers entered the Mall of America and 4 other popular large malls in Chicago, New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles and San Antonio and detonated themselves. Hundreds of back to school shoppers are killed or maimed. The TV channels show what they can but the scenes at the malls are a gruesome bloody mess. YouTube posts some nasty scenes and they are passed around the Net infuriating the public. Then, within the next hour, the New York subway, DART in Denver, BART in the Bay Area, and MART in Atlanta are also hit. This time with backpack bombs timed to go off simultaneously. The TV and radio stations run continuous news on the tragic events even canceling all prime time shows on the network channels. Some clueless viewers complain to their local stations for preempting ‘American Idol’. You wonder where some people’s heads are at.

Day Fourteen: 7:10 AM PST
Woke up to video news footage of several burned out mosques in the European cities that were attacked. The cable news channels are running ‘Man in the Street’ interviews with Muslims – when they can find them. Jihadist web sites chant that this is only the beginning of Jihad in America. CAIR puts out a general release charging the government with collusion in the persecution of Muslim-Americans and demands action. The President responds saying the charges are absurd and have no basis accusing CAIR and other Muslim organizations for inciting hatred. The President says the government will protect Muslims in this country.

Day Fifteen: 12:00 PM PST
I’m afraid the Presidents words now ring hollow. A small EMP device has detonated outside of the Pentagon. Where the hell did that come from? How did terrorists get their hands on that? Reports are sketchy but the EMP device was large enough to knock out most communication at the Pentagon with military commands overseas not to mention several hundred people whose brains were fried when the weapon went off. HotAir reports that the EMP weapon was smuggled in through an unnamed New Jersey seaport.

This just in. More suicide bombers have detonated their bombs in local restaurants during lunch time in several medium size cities including Des Moines, Kansas City, Billings, Trenton, and Portland. And this chilling report from MSNBC. In a raid on a terrorist safe house in the Washington DC area, the FBI located a dirty bomb ready to be used.

Day Sixteen: 12:00 PM PST
The news is bleak. Many demonstrations throughout cities in the US demand that the government do something about the Muslim threat. The Administration is under siege and there are calls by Congress to quarantine the threat. Some of the public are not waiting. In the southwest from Arizona to Texas, vigilante groups roam the frightened cities of their cities doing ‘citizens arrests’ of any young Muslim male. They are taken to secure places like auto impound lots and herded into make shift compounds. The local police side with the vigilantes and refuse to force them to release the Muslim youths. Michelle Malkin’s blog reports that the governor of those states call out the National Guard but the local residents surround the make shift internment camps and riots breakout between them and the guardsmen. There are casualties on both sides.

The President calls out the US ARMY but instead of freeing the Muslim youths, he orders the Army to take them to specially set up internment camps that are being constructed for the detaining of all Muslim youths between the ages of 14 and 35 and their families for their ‘protection’. The ACLU, NAAACP, CAIR and other civil liberties organization demand action from Congress and the Supreme Court to cease the internment of Muslim-Americans. We are headed towards a constitutional crisis.

Read Part 5 tomorrow. Go to The Gathering Storm to see previous Parts.

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