
Monday, September 18, 2006

Archbishop of Sydney: Muslim World Proves Pope Right

The 'Mujahideen Shura Council - an umbrella group led by Iraq's branch of al Qaida' - joined in on the fun:, it vowed 'a war against the "worshippers of the cross"'. No surprise there of course.

Meanwhile, the Archbishop of Sidney, rightfully, said that the reaction to the lecture of the Pope, proved the Pope right.

"The violent reactions in many parts of the Islamic world justified one of Pope Benedict's main fears," Cardinal Pell said in a statement.

"They showed the link for many Islamists between religion and violence, their refusal to respond to criticism with rational arguments, but only with demonstrations, threats and actual violence," he said.
He said some Australian Muslim leaders who had criticized the pope's remarks were being unhelpful because they avoided the issue of violence committed by some Muslims.

"Our major priority must be to maintain peace and harmony within the Australian community, but no lasting achievements can be grounded in fantasies and evasions."

Cardinal Pell is, of course, completely right: the reaction throughout the Muslim world, simply proved that many Muslims - or at least the one raising their voice, I am still waiting to hear something from the 'moderate Muslims' - are incapable of discussing issues in a reasonable manner. They, once again, clearly show that they believe that violence is allowed. They do not hold back, they do not try to restrain each other, we do not see Muslim clerics telling their Muslim brethren to stay calm. No, instead, the only Islamic leaders that are raising their voices, are those who are calling for more violence, more aggression, more hatred, more... Jihad.

The Pope was completely right. The leading voices of Muslim world are not able to deal with honest, reasonable criticism. The only thing 'we' are allowed to say is that Mohammed was a man of God. If we deny this, we have 'insulted Islam'. If we doubt it we have 'insulted Islam'. In short, there is only one way of not 'insulting Islam' and that is by converting to it.

Cross posted at Liberty and Justice

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