
Friday, September 22, 2006

Coca Cola and Pepsi Should Apologize to Muslims

Just look at what the mofos at Coke did:

No Hate for Allah

Utterly disgraceful: They forgot to fit in "No Allah."

Pepsi is far worse. Observe:

Sly Bastard

It looks so innocent...till one finds out that PEPSI stands for Pinch Every Penny to Save Israel! (The founder of Pepsi was a sly bastard for coming up with that name in 1898.) In addition, the logo is so anti-Islamically tweakable.

Muslims deserve an apology and, for some reason, the Christians in Pakistan should comment on this matter as well.


  1. Whenever I read stuff like this, I always picture the Monorail episode of the simpsons, when they see through Mr Burn's disguise and he uses the grappling hook to "fly" to safety.

    There on to us Smithers ;)

  2. Apology?!?!??!?

    You know, us Infidels have done a lot of great things. We've sent men to the moon, invented computers, mapped the genetic code of humans, and of animals, disovered many of the mysteries of atomic structure and behavior, etc.

    But, two of the greatest things we ever did was invent these logos which so insult Muslims.

    No! We will never change these.

  3. I've always loved that Coke logo image. It even gave me the correct Arabic script for "No Mohammed" to put on the crotch of the "MoToons Bikini" that I wanted to Photoshop. I liked the cartoons for the butt and the top, but I wanted the words "NO MOHAMMAD" on the crotch. It just seems fitting somehow, that no free Western bikini wearing woman would want MO anywhere near that area. Ah, well.

  4. You are reading it in arabic! The real language of the true peoples is Aramaic and in Aramaic it is Macaca!~
    Macaca! George Mason's tunisian second cousin on his grandmother's side is a Muslem trained in the ancient language of the religion of the pa islamic

    Obey or be burned in effigy!
