
Thursday, September 21, 2006

John Reid In Londonistan

British Home Secretary, John Reid, simply didn't know that the he had happened into a neighborhood that the locals consider to Islamic land (Dar al-Islam). Listen as Islamist Abu Izadeen shouts at Mr. Reid, "How dare you come to a Muslim Area ..."

I think John Reid handles himself very well here, never allowing anger to intercede, never allowing reason to be impeded, he replies, "My friend, there is no part of this country which any of us are excluded from."

Of course, the Islamists would beg to differ, and that is why it is important that everyone view this clip.


  1. My favourite part was the little, ineffectual policeman!

  2. Just as it was undemocratically decided to award these people the status of British subjects, so it can be decided - democratically or not - to remove it.

    They clearly feel no allegiance to England - quite the opposite, in fact.

    It is true that Britain has been signed up EU and UN treaties under which there is almost no way of deporting subversives or enemy agents. 10 years of attempts to work around this lattice-work of 'international law' have been a miserable failure.

    The simple answer is that for this (and a great many other reasons) England needs to cease its adherence to these treaties, and to leave the EU and UN, both of which are exceptionally pernicious in their effects.

    The Mad Mullahs and their chums who are living as parasites upon the host body of England can then simply be stripped of their (self-rejected) status as British subjects, and instructed to leave without delay.

    I couldn't care less where they go, but any that are so instructed and fail to leave can be interned in harsh conditions on remote Scottish islands until they manage to think of a place that they can go to.

    There is no need for this to cost the English taxpayer, either: the goods and chattels of these people can be used to defer the costs of their maintenance until such time as they are gone. This will give them an additional incentive to depart with alacrity.

  3. That's a thoughtful comment. I don't see anyone else coming up with any ideas for solutions.

    It is absurd to allow people to immigrate into a country they detest.

  4. Quote: "How dare you come to a Muslim Area ..."

    There was once a take on history on MAD Magazine, where historical events were juxtaposed with mundane personal matters. The part about 1066 had this to the left: "The Normans invade England and make it their home", and this to the right: "Norman's uncle gets an invitation from Norman and makes his his home". Spot on.

    Religion of Boundless Chutzpah, where every follower is an eved ki yimloch--a slave who usurps the throne. Anyone who wants to call me racist for saying that can shove it. And I'm going to roast the PC Sacred Cow a little more. Ever hear lefties demanding a plan for victory on the War on Terror? Here it is:

    1. Call it by its name: the War of the Free World on Islam (you can say "Islamic fascism" if you like--Islam is a form of fascism).

    2. Deport all Muslims from non-Muslim countries.

    3. Invade all Muslim countries.

    4. Execute their leaders.

    5. Give anyone who wishes to implement shariah law (stonings, beheadings, execution of apostates) in those countries Sir Charles Napier's treatment ("It is your culture to execute apostates from Islam, it is our culture to hang those who execute apostates from Islam").

    6. Take over the education system in those countries to encourage the populace to leave Islam.

    That's the humanly-possible plan, if we're able to carry it out. And it's more humane than the suggestion of some hotheads on our side to "nuke the ragheads" or other such irrationality.

    (In case anyone should bring it up, this isn't a new idea with me. I put it forth more than a month ago.)

  5. These short video clips are powerful witnesses. Pompous crapheads like the one on the clip are exposed as public dunces.

  6. Yeah, I agree. Heck, we can sit here and write an essay, and a lot of times it is important to do so because, let's face it, ideas are important, but it is also important for us to see the reality of our enemy. This man, Abu Izadeen, actually believes that his neighborhood belongs to Allah and not to England.

    In short, he is an invading force. He has declared war on the country within which he lives.

  7. Pastorius,

    "This man, Abu Izadeen, actually believes that his neighborhood belongs to Allah and not to England.

    In short, he is an invading force."

    The word most suitable for that, but unfortunately not used on this occasion for the defense of the West but instead on other, inappropriate occasions, by our enemies, for attacking the West, is:


  8. Good point, and THAT is something one of us ought to write an essay on.

  9. (btw, If it's not obvious, I recently read Melanie Phillips's Londonistan.)

  10. I admire the British calm under fire. I maintain that John Reid handled himself well.

    Of course, he didn't quite handle it the Infidel way. I may have undone my pants, bent over and gave Abu Izadeen the whole fruit salad, but that's just me.

  11. I appreciate the devil-may-care flippancy. But they are fearless and vicious. Just listen to their more outspoken mouthpieces, like Galloway and Yvonne Ridley. They are also shameless. Some people talk "culture war"? Then meet fire with fire.

  12. The British Way fucked up the entire world, Jeremaya. The way John Reid acts here unnerved the entire known world. Don't underestimate it.

    I'm not like that. I'm just saying don't underestimate it. It looks like unmanliness, but it is sheer hellfire reason.

    The Muslim guy, for all his fury, had nothing to say, and John Reid won this. He's got balls in multiple dimensions.

  13. I'll be with you, P, provided that he has an ace up his sleeve, some legislation or policy he's vigorously advancing that will deter fiery punks like that guy. Interesting exchange.

    Onward, Christian soldiers!

  14. I probably overstated my case in a vain attempt at debate rather than discussion.

    Lord knows why i do that, but i do do that sometimes.


  15. This is the kind of sh*t that embolden Muslim punks like that guy:
    " No raids without Muslim approval"

  16. Yes, you've got that right. That is the most pathetic story of dhimmitude this side of France.
