
Thursday, September 21, 2006

Nuclear Attack Planned For Ramadan?

Reporter Hamid Mir has been warning that Al Qaeda has some sort of nuclear attack planned for Ramadan, 2006. Ramadan starts tomorrow (the day after Ahmadinejad leaves American soil) by my calculations.

Today, Allah at Hot Air reports that Hamid Mir was interviewed on the nationally-syndicated American talk radio program The Glenn Beck Show. Here are some of the details:

If you haven’t followed the unfolding Al Qaeda WMD storyline, start with this post from May and these two from the past week. The audio picks up with Mir talking about his recent meeting in Afghanistan with AQ capo Abu Dawood. It ends with him alleging a closer relationship between Al Qaeda and Iran than most counterterror experts believe.

I could only get away with a six-minute clip. For a summary of the whole interview, read Vinnie’s post at My Pet Jawa.

Click here and scroll down to hear the interview over at Hot Air.

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