
Thursday, September 21, 2006

A quick news update.

Four men arrested for planning terror acts.

The American and Israeli embassy in Oslo are believed to have been the prime targets for the four individuals arrested in connection with the synagogue shooting in Oslo last week.

Police believe that the four men aged from 26 to 29 had made plans to attack the American embassy in Henrik Ibsens gate and the Israeli embassy in Parkveien, or alternatively neighbouring buildings and embassy staff in the near future.

Deny charges.

All the suspects deny the serious charges brought against them, according to sources VG has been in touch with. Due to the ongoing investigation and matters concerning national security, the court proceedings will not be open to the media.

From : News from Norway.

1 comment:

  1. Aged between 26 and 29? Do they qualify as "youths"?

    Man, if they aren't youths then I am completely clueless what kind of people would they be.
