
Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ruled, Britannia!

Regarding the news item The shadow cast by a mega-mosque, on the plan to build a great mosque, as well as to demolish a church, for the 2012 Olympic games: it’s time to update an old poem.

When Britain first at terrorist bombs
caved in to their demands,
This was the policy of the Left,
and the Guardian went hand in hand.

Ruled, Britannia, ruled by Islam!
Britons, unless they change, shall be slaves.

The nations so craven as thee
shall in their turns to shariah fall,
While thou shalt be the warning sign,
the dread and threat to them all.

Ruled, Britannia, ruled by Islam!
Britons, unless they change, shall be slaves.

With still more demands shalt thou comply,
more dreadful concessions make,
As the loud muezzin’s cries tear the skies,
serves but your Western soul to take.

Ruled, Britannia, ruled by Islam!
Britons, unless they change, shall be slaves.

Thee haughty Muslims soon shall tame,
all their attempts to bend thee down,
Will but succeed unless you change,
and work their woe to the very crown.

Ruled, Britannia, ruled by Islam!
Britons, unless they change, shall be slaves.

To thee belongs no rural reign,
thy cities lost their Western shine,
All thine shall be subjected to theirs,
and every law of theirs thine.

Ruled, Britannia, ruled by Islam!
Britons, unless they change, shall be slaves.

The Muses, having freedom lost,
shall be banished from the very air,
Curst Isle! Unless you turn around,
and to resist the enemy dare.

Ruled, Britannia, ruled by Islam!
Britons, unless they change, shall be slaves.


  1. erm, yeah. well done. very clever. clap clap clap. Its not liely to ever pass the planning application but you getin there eh.

  2. Good understanding of the post's intent. Well done. You're a very smart person. Clap clap clap.

    The purpose of this site seems to elude you*. A few remedial courses in reading comprehension might fix that. (Hint: does the artwork at this website constitute a desire on the part of the artist to gain worldwide recognition as an artist? If you answered "yes", then I rest my case. If "no", then I suggest a unification of evaluation standards.)


    * To wake up people to the reality of the danger of being forced to live under Islamic law by any means at our disposal.
