
Monday, September 18, 2006

Storm Track Appeasement: And the Beat Goes On. More European Dhimmitude

From The Gathering Storm

"There was a young lady from Niger. Who smiled as she rode on a tiger. After the ride/.She was inside, And the smile was on the face of the tiger."

I assume German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has never heard that limerick or if he did, he can’t see it’s parallel with his recent proposal about Islam in Germany.

“On September 11th, he called for a state recognition of Islam and teaching the Muslim faith at schools as part of a state-backed curriculum, while unveiling plans to toughen the country's anti-terror laws. "Recognizing Islam in German will pay off as the government will be able to groom home-grown imams and preachers instead of resorting to foreigners," Schaeuble told the German Radio in an interview.”

And I suppose Christianity and Judaism will also be offered in the school curriculum? Watch out for that tiger Wolflgang!

But recent European dhimmitude doesn’t end there.
“According to the website of Swindon Borough Council the local authority, funded by the hapless local taxpayer, is ”promoting awareness of the Muslim community by inviting staff and councilors on an Islam training course"! Swindon Council’s chief executive and some ninety council employees have apparently volunteered to visit the local mosque, on “company time”, where they are to be quizzed on the Islamic faith as part of a publicly funded Islamic education course.

And if they fail the quiz, will that be taken into account at year end staff appraisals? They better bone up on the Koran. Meanwhile, at the EU….

“The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) will present a controversial report on Islam to European Commission vice president Franco Frattini next week. Released in the Netherlands in April, it was criticised by both the Lower House and Foreign Minister Bot. According to the WRR, an unjustified fear of and aversion to Islam exists in the Netherlands. Instead of continuing to drag the name of that faith through the mud, there should be far more criticism of friendly countries such as the US, Israel and Russia.

Yep, that should solve the thorny problem of those silly bigoted EU citizens who fear Islam. Stick your head in the sand and blame someone else. So goes the beat of the dhimmis.


  1. "And I suppose Christianity and Judaism will also be offered in the school curriculum?"

    Obviously you are not aware that there is no 1st amendment in Europe: there is no law against teaching religion in state schools. I am not sure which countries teach the Christian religion in school, but Germany must be one of them (otherwise they would not teach Islam).

  2. Some of the countries (like Spain, Italy, and England, if I am not mistaken) even have a state religion.

  3. Pastorius: yes, and Scotland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland ...

    In some Protestant countries, the government actually has a voice in Church affairs. The British PM chooses the Archbishop of Canterbury, for instance.

  4. Europe is a different world.

    It is amazing that people insult us the way they do, calling Bush a Theocrat, etc.


  5. Pastorius: quite right. However, it seems to me that it is mostly American "liberals" who call Bush a theocrat. Europeans call him ... a liberal, because he believes in the free market. (The French would call him ultra-liberal.)

  6. Oh, yes, I understand. We use different labels in different countries.

    Well, since I am an arrogant, brutish American, let me just say, "I don't care what labels they use. They ought to learn to talk right, for God's sake."
