
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Storm Track Intimidation: What’s Wrong with this Picture?

From The Gathering Storm

I get really frustrated sometimes. Why, on the one hand, the supposed moderate muslims are so blind to the threat to their own religion, while on the other hand their leaders believe Islam, as it’s practiced today, is morally equivalent to a 21st century civilization.

I’ve written before that how muslims are seen and treated in the West depends entirely upon them and if they don’t make a very public effort to distance themselves from the jihadists, there will come a day when any and all muslims will be seen as an enemy to a nation and be treated like the Japanese-Americans were treated in WWII. But this threat to their freedom hasn’t sunken in yet and they continue to blather on. First, they play the victim card over and over again, and second, they haven’t awoken to the fact theyand no one else - have the responsibility to confront those who, as Bush has deemed, hijacked their religion.

But it seems they will do neither.

A selection of news items proves out these facts. First the victim card.

Imams, academics and Arab leaders convened at a central London hotel last week for a three-day event sponsored by the International Moderation Center, a Kuwait-based research institute which attempts to promote cross-cultural understanding of Islam. The gist of the conference was this. “More needs to be done to improve tolerance of Muslim minorities across Europe

Now think about that for a minute. Why is it Europe’s problem – not theirs? The Islamists use very subtle language to infer that that intolerance towards muslims some how appeared for no reason at all. This ‘intolerance’ argument sounds like a petulant child who has been given everything from their host country, and they still want more. Europe had bent over backwards – to the extent that European countries like France, Germany, England, and Scandinavia are funding their own colonization.

But the Islamists demand more. Even a separate set of laws – the Sharia – for muslims as they demanded - yes demanded – in Sweden. The dhimmis in Sweden have not entirely lost its mind yet and the PM said ‘completely unacceptable”.

Then we have Iraq – yes our partners in democracy – whose Parliament speaker wondered why the West pressures the mulim world over nukes and not Israel and accuses the free democracies of continuing to put down muslims and continue their colonization. I guess the speaker didn’t read my blog entitled “Winds of War: Dealing With Liberals and 4 Year Olds” about how childish nations do not play with adult toys.

But as far as victimization goes – this one take the cake. Or maybe it’s just another example of the muslim mind’s inability to confront reality. Parvez Ahmed, the board chairman of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (our so called moderate muslim friends at CAIR), "A Sensible Way to Describe Terrorists." He ended with a thought-provoking question. "Why is Islam being unfairly singled out?" How about finding the answers here, here, here, here, Mr. Ahmed, and I can go on and on.

Let’s go on to my other point. Muslims incapacity to see the threat before them and their unwillingness to confront it.

The police and intelligence services are beginning to wake up to the treats that local mosques are posing to our security – and are taking action. It is a fact that mosques have been and are still be used for jihadist propaganda and recruiting, and command and control of terrorist operations in the Europe and America. Our police response – monitor them. And they have been successful both here and in Europe in ferreting out those who would slur the good name of Islam.

And response from the Islamic community for exposing and arresting those who would hijack their religion? A big thank you? Perhaps even supported the police in the investigation? In your dreams. The response from the muslim community was this from the New York Times. “Many Muslims believe that the use of informers set back the police's campaign to win their trust and cooperation.” And this. “Wherever police spies are found among the Muslims, they must be rooted out. There must be zero tolerance for cooperation with the oppressors.” The title of the article says it all – US MUSLIM COMMUNITIES FINALLY CATCH ON TO POLICE SPIES”

And then this piece of ridiculous tripe. The conviction of a Pakistani immigrant on charges he plotted to blow up one of Manhattan's busiest subway stations has sparked mixed emotions within the city's Muslim community about undercover police work. The response from the muslim community?

"This is a real setback to the bridge building," said Michael Dibarro, a Jordanian immigrant who until recently worked as a clergy liaison with the New York Police Department. "We had meaningful meetings. We thought we were going somewhere with this."

Yes! YOU ARE MAKING PROGRESS! It’s called catching those who will defame the reputation of your religion and you should be screaming support for the police from the rooftops sending a signal to the jihaists among you that you will work with the police and turn them in. What is so difficult to understand? Or like any fundamentalist religion, it dims the mind to rational thought.

Imam Shaker Elsayed of Dar Alhijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Va., worried many Americans equate Islam with terrorism rather than peace. In many cases, Elsayed said, Islam itself "is accused of being the disease rather than the cure."

Yes, Mr. Elsayed, you are correct. Islam is the disease and, as stated here, the irrational response of the muslim community in Europe and America proves the point.

Finally there’s this. A correspondent for an Arab newspaper in Washington DC, frets about the revelations of the NSA and it’s spying on potential terrorists. It seems he feels threatened by his correspondence with his Islamic trained father in Sudan. I quote. “Words such as bomb, explosives, jihad and infidels. My father uses some of those words. But sadly, my father's words can now raise red flags in the United States. The last time I spoke to him, he said he was going to send me a long written prayer in a letter. I said that regular mail would take too long and suggested that he give it to one of his computer-literate grandchildren to e-mail to me. But now I worry: Can NSA computers tell the difference between a prayer and a terrorist plot?

Umm. Hello? Yes. I do hope that your father’s messages are singled out and you are asked to pay a short visit to your local FBI office. Maybe it’s time you responded to your father’s words and correct his misunderstanding of his peaceful, tolerant religion and how his words are contributing to the ‘misunderstanding’ of muslims around the world.


  1. The quotes in this article are so astoundingly braindead stupid it is hard for me to believe they are true. But, I know from experience, they are.

    Although, I must admit that , on occasion, I also have trouble distinguishing between an Islamic prayer and a terrorist plot.

  2. It all reflects the overarching attitude of Entitlement that can be traced to Islamic theology: Allah says we're entitled to the whole of the earth, and now we have enough petrodollars and enough Muslims to make it stick. How dare you not bow down to the lords of the world?

    What enables Entitlement is Appeasement, and they've had plenty of that as well. And yes, it's depressing. Once spoiled brats get into that Entitlement mode it becomes necessary for something to take them down a peg or two until they are back in their place. And that something can be rather nasty, as the Empire of Japan once learned.

  3. There is an obvious problem with your analysis and any appeal to moderate muslims. What is a moderate muslim? I think we should be honest religious faith. Some people are true believers and other people don't have the much need for a faith, but go along for social reasons. There really isn't much in the way of true moderate muslims, besides a few people making stuff up on their own, and the people who really do that are far and few between. One social science paper estimated that less than 1% are actually capable of such autonomy, but it was from the sixties so I can't say it is right, but it reflects my guess. Hell, given my respect for social science research, let's just call it my guess and be done with it. There are however a huge number of apathetic muslims--probably more than 2/3 of muslims.
    Why is important to distinguish between moderate muslims and apathetic muslims? A moderate muslim may be willing to stand up and arguing for a moderate Islam until the true believer muslims get around to killing him for being an apostate. The apathetic muslims aren't going to take any action, because they are apathetic!
