
Monday, September 18, 2006

True Religion 101

Allow me to take a cue from Pope Benedict XVI on lecturing on the difference between true religion and a political ideology with a few religious trappings.

The subject of the class today: what a martyr is, and what a martyr isn’t.

This is a martyr:

Sister Leonella Sgorbati, R.I.P.

This is not a martyr:

Palestinian female suicide bomber

The difference isn’t the full covering on the face. The difference is that the martyr had lived a life of charity (the nun worked in a hospital in Somalia), ended one moment by the wicked, while the suicide bomber’s faux-martyrdom is summed up in one act of killing oneself along with others, almost invariably total innocents.

Class dismissed.


  1. Rebel Jedi,

    Kids like that are an argument for reincarnation.

    Check out this child drummer - 7 years old.

    You will be absolutely friggin' astonished.
