
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Winds of War: It’s the Ideology, Stupid

From The Gathering Storm

We need to re-align our ideas about this war. We can not think in terms of nation states, which leads to impotent inaction - ala the UN, or even terrorist networks, which leads to classifying this war as a criminal justice problem – ala the liberal Left. We have to start thinking in terms of ideology. Plain and simple, our democracy is a threat to their theocracy - a theocratic ideology. For that is what we are at war with.

This is not a battle over peoples’ territory but over peoples’ minds. This war will either be defined by our enemies, or by us. So far, they are defining this conflict, and are more clearly defining the underlying causes of it. We need to face that fact and act accordingly.

The only way we can re-align our thinking to fight this war effectively is to recognize what they are fighting for and what they say this war is about. Let’s start with one of their spiritual mouthpieces, or propagandists, straight from the belly of the beast and get it right from the horse’s mouth. From the Grand Mufti, Sheikh Abdel Aziz Al Sheikh, himself in Saudi Arabia.

“Saudi Arabia's leading religious figure, the grand mufti, Sunday defended the spirit of jihad, or holy war, as a God-given right.”

Then he lets the cat out of the bag.

"The spread of Islam has gone through several phases, secret and then public, in Mecca and Medina," the holiest places in Islam.”

Secret? Could he be referring to the Muslim Brotherhood "Project"? From the Assyrian International News Agency.

“In October of ‘05 President Bush denounced the Islamic ideological movement that called for a "violent and political vision: the establishment, by terrorism, subversion and insurgency, of a totalitarian empire that denies all political and religious freedom." The Muslim Brotherhood, also known as the Ikhwan, is a good example of what the President described and what he must protect us against. The Muslim Brotherhood organization, an expansive and secretive society with followers in more than 70 countries, describes itself as a political and social revolutionary movement. It was founded in March 1928 in Egypt by Hassan al-Banna, who objected to Western influence and called for return to an original Islam.”

And we know what that ‘original Islam’ was. The Taliban ands Al Qaeda are perfect manifestations of that ideology.

“The Muslim Brotherhood is dedicated to creating a global Islamic order that would isolate women and punish nonbelievers. Its members and supporters founded al Qaeda. The Muslim Brotherhood has historically and continues to actively pursue the establishment of a Muslim regime that will serve as the basis to re-establish the Caliphate.

But the free democracies, and especially the MSM, just don’t get it. How about this dumb headline from ABC news?

“'Day of Rage': Anger Not Jihad. Muslim Leaders world wide call for a ‘Day of Rage’. Do they mean violence?”

Naaah! And what about that ‘secret’ phase? Perhaps this is one version of it. Clerics 'teaching secret jihad'

“Islamic clerics in Sydney and Melbourne are using covert tactics to preach martyrdom and jihad to young followers, recruiting them under the guise of classes teaching the Koran…… Singapore-based terrorism analyst Rohan Gunaratna told The Australian that despite their denials and stronger terror laws, religious leaders in the two cities continued to preach violence to impressionable followers. Clive Williams, who runs a terrorism and counter-terrorism program at the Australian Defence Force Academy, said young Muslims were being recruited for jihad through "Koran classes". "They are doing it differently now," he said. “They are advertising for Koran classes and then selecting a few people for an inner circle.”Mr Williams said the clerics were profiling the followers in the Koran classes and selecting impressionable ones to target separately and privately for indoctrination.”

And finally, from the Asian Tribune that brings a new ripple to global struggle against theocracy. “War on Terror Equals War on Minorities”. That should warm the cockles of every liberal heart.

It’s neither terrorism nor nation states nor neo-cons who are the prime enemy; it’s the ideology, stupid - the ideology of Islamism and those that follow and quietly support it.

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