
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The "Youths" Are At It Again

From Expatica France:

Police unions reacted with outrage Wednesday after two members of a CRS anti-riot unit were badly hurt in an ambush by youths in the southern Paris suburb of Corbeil-Essonnes.

The men were patrolling Tuesday night in an unmarked car in the Les Tartarets housing project when the vehicle was attacked with stones, a police spokesman said.
When one of the officers left the vehicle, he was set upon by about 20 youths who had been hiding in the undergrowth.

"The driver rushed to help. The two were then covered in blows to the face and other parts of the body as they lay on the ground," the spokesman said. The gang dispersed when reinforcements arrived.

Both officers suffered injuries to the face and head, as well as bruising to the body. One was hospitalised.

These are the "youths" who have no ethnicity, no religion, no language, no heritage, and no names. They wear no distinguishing clothes. They speak with no identifable accent. Their suburb has no history or culture or other features that distinguish it from France. These are just French kids who, for no known reason, just decided to beat the crap out of the French police.
The Synergie-Officier police union said it was "revolted by this savage attack
.... These explosions of violence against the police are a kind of guerrilla warfare aimed at getting the forces of law and order to leave certain areas in order to immerse them in a logic of sedition and terror."



    1272 BCE First illegal occupation of Palestine by Zionists .

    370 BCE Second illegal occupation of Palestine by Zionists.

    70 CE Roman peacekeepers unable to prevent mobs of Zionists destroying the Temple in Jerusalem.

    732 CE. Charles Martel brutally dispersed a group of peaceful anti-Zionist demonstrators outside Tours.

    1453 CE Constantinople sit-in by activists.

    1529 CE Vienna picketed by militants.

    1683 CE Vienna picketed again by descendents of previous pickets.

    1948 CE Third illegal occupation of Palestine by Zionists.

    1967 CE Six day vigil by anti-Zionist protestors.

    2001 CE Twin towers reconfigured by individuals.

    2004 CE Epidemic of gang rape in Sweden. Males thought to be responsible.

    2005 CE Disruption of London Transport by victims of Zionism.

  2. Just remember what the Dali Lama said about those youths - "They were just mischievous."

  3. Ah, to be a "youth" again. Wait, I'm pretty sure I was never a "youth", but one can't be sure.

  4. No, I was neither. Does that mean I can't be a "youth"?
