
Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Call To Arms: Western Civilization Is Worth Fighting For

Baron at Gates of Vienna has a very important post up, which begins with this email which was sent out by author Jack Wheeler:

We don’t think anyone can dispute the fact that the forces of Islamofascism have embarked upon a World War of global conquest that may last for decades if not longer. Since Islamofascist terrorists have no boundaries, this war will be even tougher to fight than our battle was against the Soviet empire.

Already, the Islamofascists have a beachhead in Western Europe. According to demographic experts, Europe will become Islamic in a generation — and it’s not the moderates who hold sway in the Islamic communities in Europe. If these numbers are translated to political power — which undoubtedly will be the case — it will have dire consequences. Eventually, radical Islamic political blocs will take power in many European nations such as Belgium, Holland, France, and Britain.

The Washington Times reports (11/21/06) that Russia is well on its way to becoming an Islamic country. Within eight years (by 2015) over half the soldiers in the Russian Army will be Moslem. By 2020, over 20% of Russia’s entire population will be Moslem.

What happens when Moslems in political power have access to the nuclear arsenals of Russia, France, and Britain?

Couple this with the increased presence of Islam in Africa and Latin America, and there is a distinct possibility that America, within a generation of two, will be alone in the world. We would be encircled by enemies dedicated to our destruction. No doubt by then, there will be thousands of Jihadists within the US prepared to carry out terrorist acts on command from international Islamic powers.We cannot allow this to happen without a fight.

Western Civilization is worth fighting for. We cannot allow our grandchildren to live in Islamofascist tyranny.

Baron has a list of concrete things you can do, including joining up with the 910 Group, and the Coalition to Preserve Civilization.

Please go read the whole thing.

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