
Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Pope as a Snake: Where are the Catholic Riots?

From The Telegraph

Already, the 1981 would-be assassin of Pope John Paul II, Mehmet Ali Agca — back in prison after being briefly released this year — has warned the pontiff that someone will try to kill him. The country's bestselling novel, Plot Against the Pope, shows Benedict on the cover, targeted by a bearded sniper in front of a burning cross.

At the beginning of this month, a man was arrested outside the Italian consulate in Istanbul for firing a gun to protest against the Pope

Ali Bardakoglu, the head of Turkey's state-run religious affairs directorate, told fanatics that the Pope must "experience that Islam is a religion of peace"


  1. I'm guessing the Pope has got that peaceful, easy feeling.

  2. I wonder what would happen if the Pope was assassinated in Turkey. I guess the only outrage from secular Europe would come from Italy.

    Then again, would Turkey risk the Pope's killing? That could put the nail in the coffin for their entry into the EU?

  3. Since this was supposed to be just a "temporary" or "short term" pope and since the pope knew full well what response his comments would cause, I wonder how "protected" he will allow himself to be. Going into enemy territory and knowing all the risks.

    Makes me wonder if the pope is just asking for it. To be a Catholic "martyr" in order to save his religion by mobilizing his flock via his own assassination.

    It would definitely be wake up call for Europe and put a major slowdown to much of the Islamic takeover.

  4. Oh that's it, I'm going to fire-bomb an embassy. No one insults Moham.....I mean the Pope!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!

  5. I take it you don't REALLY intend to firebomb an embassy.

  6. "experience that Islam is a religion of peace" , lol

    actions speak louder than words! killing each other for no reason but if somebody criticize them, they get all mad like primitive people.
