
Saturday, December 30, 2006

Barbara Boxer Concerned About CAIR

From Newsweek:

Dec. 29, 2006 - In a highly unusual move, Sen. Barbara Boxer of California has rescinded an award to an Islamic activist in her home state because of the man’s connections to a major American Muslim organization that recently has been courted by leading political figures and even the FBI.

Even better:

After directing her staff to look into CAIR, Boxer “expressed concern” about some past statements and actions by the group, as well as assertions by some law enforcement officials that it “gives aid to international terrorist groups,” according to Natalie Ravitz, the senator’s press spokeswoman....

Could it be? Not all Democrats are Dhimmicrats?

Of course, CAIR is using the same old lines of defense:

CAIR has...demanded that she withdraw the action—which one top CAIR official said smacks of “Islamophobia.”...

“We feel that the same crowd who is pushing these smears against CAIR is the same crowd as the neocons that pushed us into the Iraq war,” he says. “They are trying to smear the Muslim community and they are trying to silence its voice. This takes us back to the McCarthy era.”


[Hat-tip to Gates of Vienna]

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