
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Christmas Message Of The Muslim Woman In Niqab


  1. Ummm ... thought this was about Christmas? She lost focus very quick. Me thinks it must have been the veil of ... let me talk about Islam and all of it's tolerance, love yada yada yada! We need more ... Islam that is.

  2. There is not separation between religion and politics in Islam, so it is not at all surprising that she can't avoid the political even when talking about Christmas.

  3. Are we to expect UK Channel 4 to offer "An alternate holiday" message to the public during Ramadan?

    May I suggest, "ISLAM WHAT THE WEST NEEDS TO KNOW" or "OBSESSION, Radical Islam's War Against the West" or a more personal message given by Robert Spencer, Walid Shoebat, Brigitte Gabrielle, Marc Steyn, Pope Benedict et al? Gee, ramadan lasts what, 30 days? We can offer an alternate message every one of those days.

    [ , , ]
    =\o/= AnonYmouse

  4. Yes, we ought to demand equal time. That's a great idea, Anonymouse.

  5. Well, that was about as virtuoso a piece of self-deluding rationalization combined with a heavy dollop of taqiyya as I've heard in a long time.

    An alternative message to the altnerative message sounds like a great idea. I vote for Brigitte.
