
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hillary Clinton Buying Black Vote for $200,000

(NewsMax) The press reported on Tuesday that Sen. Hillary Clinton had scored a coup in the presidential race by winning the endorsement of a key black political leader in South Carolina, state Sen. Darrell Jackson.

Hillary Clinton Darrell Jackson

Now it has come to light that just days earlier, Clinton’s campaign reached a deal to pay Jackson’s consulting firm $10,000 a month through the 2008 elections – a deal worth more than $200,000.

"Jackson had also been in talks with Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign about endorsing him and entering into a consulting contract for more than $5,000, sources said – raising questions about whether Jackson’s endorsement was bought by a higher bidder,” the New York Post reported.

Jackson – who is also the minister of a large church in the state capital, Columbia – acknowledged that he should have revealed his financial dealings with the Clinton campaign when he and fellow state Sen. Robert Ford, who is also African-American, endorsed Clinton.

More here.


  1. I have linked this article into my own expanded posting which is aimed at the structure supportive of multicultualism and political correctness in doctrine. It is a shame that some use religion as tools for advancement of a doctrine which is essentially another religion and which is an enemy of free people and Americans.

  2. hillary fights dirty....obama is who i'd vote for.

  3. Flanders Fields,

    Very good, the more people will read it t he better. I also posted on my blog and on the MNM which is replacing IBA.


    Obama doesn't play as dirty as Hillary but he is as extreme left as she is.
