
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ma'alot, Beslan, Your Town

Is America the world's greatest terrorist? Do we kill more children every day than all the murders of history combined? The Death Hippies would have us think so. So, what do we do? What voice do we hear, and who calls?

Last day a Muslim shot to death six peaceful shoppers in store in Utah. Civilians died because they were alive. You cannot hide from Islam. It will come at random and kill because it is a sickness. You cannot know. You can only know that doing nothing is a sickness worse than death.



  1. I haven't been keeping track of this story as I should have.

    Question - Has Fox News mentioned the attacker was a Muslim? I'd be curious. I don't watch television media news anymore. Lately, just Dr. Who on BBC America.

  2. Yes. The shooter's aunt confirmed that the family is Muslim. They refugeed from Bosnia.

  3. They refugeed from Bosnia sounds a wee bit sterile.

    There appears to be financial gain to be had in religious organizations 'sponsoring' these 'refugees'. . .don't want to stop that federal money from pouring into the church/temple/mosque coffers. I've read suggestions that some of our Jewish refugee resettlement agencies now sponsor Muslims because they ran out of Soviet Jews that want to come here. I'm seeking links to bear that suicidal factoid out.

    U.S. Resettlement Program-An Overview

    I would like to know how much money individual states (say Maine/Somali, Michigan/Shia, Utah/Bosnian etc.) receives for participating in these programs and where the money goes.

  4. Someone should be keeping book on these SJS events and publicising them. This stuff is coming close to home. We had it in San Francisco.

  5. Dag,
    So what brought you back here, for God's sake? I don't understand why you and TruePeers and Charles have just disappeared on us.

  6. Someone should be keeping book on these SJS events and publicising them.

    Michelle Malkin, Debbie Schlussel, Jihad Watch, and The Religion of Peace do keep track of the noticeable number of murders like this. I think these murders get a good airing in unrestrained, right-leaning blogs. The MSM, for obvious legal, financial and political reasons, can only report the facts and scrupulously keep clear of theorizing on the common connection.

  7. "I've read suggestions that some of our Jewish refugee resettlement agencies now sponsor Muslims because they ran out of Soviet Jews that want to come here. I'm seeking links to bear that suicidal factoid out."

    Catholic charities also are helping in this regard but I'm sorry I can't re-call the names. It disappoints me as a Catholic.
    This story has had extremely little coverage by the msm. This type of "jihad of one" thing happens a lot in other countries according to thereligionofpeace website. It's sad and bothers me that the public is not getting the full truth about this.

  8. anonymous said:


    "The MSM, for obvious legal, financial and political reasons, can only report the facts and scrupulously keep clear of theorizing on the common connection."

    end quote

    Would that it were so! The blatant editorializing and propagandizing they do on a regular basis would bankrupt and imprison them if it were.

    Besides, the "facts" surely include name, color, description, nationality, immigration/citizenship status, and religious affiliation. They theorize aplenty about everything else...yet they scrupulously refrain from reporting the religious affiliation of criminals who are Muslim. If a "Right-Wing Christian" had been the shooter, it would have been in the headline. Hell's bells, if the shooter was a registered Republican, it would have been in the first paragraph of the story! If a white American male had done it, they'd print his picture.

    Gunslinger's Journal

  9. This "new blogger" system is fucking us up, Pastorius. Nothing personal at all. I've tried to get in some cocmments earlier in response to this story but haven't had any luck so far.

    I have up a new post at ccovenant zone announcing our regular meeting for Thursday evening. Those who haven't followed it might not find it clear. Please leave a comment there if you'd like more info on what we do and why. And please skip over my stylistics to get to the points I try to make: that we are qall gooing to die, and that we stand as much a chance of dying from the flu as we do from a concerted effort on the parts of jihadis to kill us. They are idiots who can hardly plan a picnic in the rain. They are not a serious threat to any one individual, as a rule, but are a major threat to those who happen to be alive and proximate. That's the evil of the bastards. They're like the flu in that they don't go for names and persons but for bodies and lives. We meet to make ourselves known to the public as those who stand up to object. Please consider joining us in this effort. They go for childrren, for crying out loud. What do any of us have to fear from people like that? Even if they come for me I'd be ashamed to back away from people like that. No, we'll meet agian tomorrow at the library, in public, and we'll say no to the jihadis and the death hippies who cheer them on. And we'll probably survive like we have for each of our previous 54 weekly meetings in just over one year.

    No more of this pandering and cowering in the imagined shadows of these baby-raping kilers. Stand up. Sit down. Join us.

    Details at covenant zone.

  10. Dag,
    Boy, do I know about the NewBlogger/OldBlogger problem.

    I'm not even a part of IBA anymore. I've been delisted by Google, and there's no way to get me back on the list without petitioning the Google gods with prayer and possible human sacrifice.

  11. I wonder when "non-state" actors start taking out Muslims in this country?

    Five dead people would leave 20 to 30 relatives with revenge on their minds.

    If the government won't deal with the problem, then Americans will apply self help.

    "Muslim Hunting License for sell: No bag limit?"

  12. Although a mystery at the time, in retrospect the loss of EgyptAir Flight 990 in 1999 now seems to have been an SJS event.

  13. SJS has only been recogniised as a standard behavior pattern of Muslims in the West for less than three years.

    But if my failing memory is correct, actual SJS events may have a much longer history.

    I recall a case long ago, in the 1960's or maybe even late 1950's, where a Muslim doctor went on the rampage and killed a number of children in a British hospital ward. The doctor was the son of a leading Muslim (Jordanian?) cleric.

    Because few people understood Islam at that time, it was assumed that the doctor was insane, and that his dear father, like some Church of England bishop, would be horrified by his son's actions.

    I cannot find any reference to this event on the net (not really surprising as it happened so long ago). I don't know whether any British readers aged the wrong side of 50 can remember the case?

  14. ROP,
    Sirhan Sirhan, the man who killed Robert Kennedy, who would likely have been elected President of the United States in 1968 (instead of Nixon) was a Palestinian Muslim.

  15. As I understand it, poor Bobby visited a Jewish temple and put on a yamulke and when Sirhan saw that picture it set him off. I remember little or no mention at the time of the fact that the murderer was a Muslim. Little did we know...

    EgyptAir 990 was almost certainly SJS. The howls of denial reverberating from Egypt (there is NO suicide in ISLAM!!!) drowned out that story.

    Ronald, let us hope that at least one of those relatives has the determination to push this investigation past SLC's mayor and the MSM and insist the truth about this gets out. The asshats at are already whining about how the "ultraconservative" blogs like LGF are focusing on the Muslim angle.

  16. I can confirm that the pilot on the above mentioned flight crashed the plane in typical SJS manner. I read quite a bit about this one man jihad action in 2001-02, and remember clearly that the black box audio material proved that it was a willed crash. The pilot also made some arrangements on the ground revealing that he did not intend to ever come back prior to take off, but I don't remember the details.


  17. Ronald B.:

    Can't we make the International Shooting Association (if that's their name) change the "50 metre Running Target" into "50 metre Running Muslim"? Competition open to anyone anywhere anytime!

