
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Storm Track Infiltration: Muslim Student Associations Gradually Introduce Shria Law

The following is posted on behalf of WC, who can no longer post here because of Blogger's glitches:

The Institutional jihad continues and the poor little dhimmis in the non-Muslim world haven’t a clue as to what happening to them, their institutions and their society. All you need is to have an Islamic student association on your campus and you let the camel’s nose of Sharia law into the tent.

Here’s another example of the jihads in their bag of stealth tactics. From the Islamic Threat blog.

All you need is a Muslim Student association on your campus and the demands for a change in 'non-Islamic' curriculum starts to appear. This is a lesson that a Canadian university has learned. Muslim Student Associations are implanted in campuses and their aim is to radicalize Muslim students who do not understand Sharia. The larger goal being making Sharia a part of everyday life in the western world. If you look at it in any other way then you are very mistaken.

This from The Gazette, a student campus newspaper in Canada.

A recent decision by Western’s visual arts department has left some Muslim students torn between their love for drawing and painting and their devotion to Islam. After making accommodations for students for several years, the visual arts department added a note to the bottom of nine course descriptions effective Sept. 1, 2005, indicating “some sessions may involve drawing from the nude (female or male) as a required component of the course.” Though the note was added a year and a half ago, some students are just starting to feel its effects and voice their concerns.

And what are the concerns?

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

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  1. The problems with scripts (Very slow loading, sometimes not at all)and the absence of vital commentary has slowed the momentum of IBA. This is intolerable.

    Screw Google and all their schemes.

  2. To say nothing of having to remember to separately log in to Blogger/Google before I can even post in Comments. Pain in the A**.

    Re our "modest" little Muslim art students:

    "Traditions" my ass. Try "superstitions, primitive puritanical sexual neuroses". I spent 4 years in art college drawing nudes (one of whom was known as "saggy Aggie") 3 or 4 times a week. Learning to draw the human body is an integral part of learning to be an artist. If you don't want to do that, stick to designing Islamic wallpaper.

    I am waiting for the first calls to conceal the great works of Western nude sculpture away from the devout, sensitive eyes of the Islamic public. (Besides that moron in Egypt, of course.)
