
Sunday, February 18, 2007

UN says...WHAT, NO, NON, NYET, NEIN...Arab states seem to be arming and training Al Qaeda recruits..


Arab states trained Al-Qaeda men to fight in Somalia

MIDDLE EASTERN countries secretly armed and supported suspected Al-Qaeda recruits in the failed state of Somalia in a direct challenge to western interests in east Africa, according to a United Nations report.

Hundreds of Islamist fighters were flown, with Eritrean assistance, from Somalia to Syria and Libya for military training. Others were taken to Lebanon to fight with Hezbollah, the report to the UN security council has revealed.

UN investigators also detailed military aid given to the Islamists by Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Arab states friendly to the West. Iran also supplied 125 shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, 80 of which arrived by sea in dhows and the rest by air.

A clandestine operation to smuggle the fighters out of Somalia began in July last year.

Imagine my freaking surprise.

Gee, I guess someone forgot to tell them that Sunni and Shia murderers are not allowed to work together to try and kill my family. Will someone please get the message out to these poor fellows?

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  1. Hands Off Clitoridectomy
    What our revulsion reveals about ourselves.

    exchanges raise
    acute concerns
    because they
    confront us with
    our own deficiencies.

    So its OK to cut little girl's clits off.
