
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Lawyers sap our will to combat terrorism.

We [UK] lack the toughness of our European neighbours

by Michael Burleigh

Many jihadis seek to create a global caliphate, ruled by Sharia. At best, Christians, Hindus, and Jews would live in a state of submission tantamount to second-class citizenship. If they got above themselves, they would suffer the persecutions Islamists visited on the Coptic Christians of Egypt. The rule of Islamists has resulted in murderous chaos – 150,000 died in Algeria during the 1990s when madmen decided that most of the Muslim population were apostates. The Taleban anti-state so ruined Afghanistan that Americans joked that they had to bomb it forwards to the Stone Age. [ LOL! ] There are significant numbers of people living in Britain who wish to visit such chaos on us.

This is the backdrop to the debate about anti-terrorism legislation. As usual lawyers talk to lawyers, including those overrepresented in our political class. Overlooking that our greatest right is to life, civil libertarians are exercised about proposals to extend detention of suspects from 28 to 56 days.

Shami Chakrabarti, the barrister whom the BBC assiduously promotes as the voice of a presumed liberal consensus, will widen her Diana-like eyes in outrage, while Amnesty will mutter darkly about internment. Then we’ll hear from Gareth Peirce – the Provos’ and now the jihadis’ lawyer of choice – or her business rival Mudassur Arani, whose website advises Muslims how to deny cooperation with M15. Ms Arani was recently exercised by an attack on Dhiren Barot, the British al-Qaeda terrorist, by a fellow prison inmate. She wants jihadi prisoners all kept together, doubtless so that within ten minutes of such consolidation, she would be whining about a British Guantanamo, from where, say, Clive Stafford Smith, would soon relay lurid terrorist tales of torture to Channel 4 News.

Since activist lawyers routinely usurp a moral high ground vacated by a lazy liberalism, it seems almost vulgar to point out that at least one terrorist group – the Baader-Meinhof gang – was co-founded by a lawyer, Horst Mahler (nowadays a neo-Nazi), while Lynne Stewart, defence counsel to blind Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman, is serving a prison sentence for helping him to communicate from his prison cell with his Egyptian followers. [Fucking stupid cow!]

Now that Gordon Brown has rejected the proposal of Lord Carlile of Berriew, QC, to give judges the powers to extend periods of detention, on the understandable ground that senior judges sabotaged the system of control orders after freeing the Belmarsh detainees, perhaps his lordship could get the Law Society to focus on its own nest?

Some of Mr Brown’s proposals announced this week in the Commons make sense, although they are hopelessly overdue. The Tories have long argued for a dedicated border police, staffed with officers on serious salaries. Instead of which we are going to get an agency mainly staffed by low-grade Customs officers. Electronic passenger screening is being introduced after the US warned us that it may introduce visa requirements for Anglo-Pakistanis on the ground that you don’t stop Jaguars when a Toyota has been stolen. Belated steps are being taken to secure strategic sites, sports grounds and shopping malls, as well as, tardily again, to hook up our immigration computers with Europol’s databank of seven million lost or stolen passports.

Another proposal briefly floated was to turn a few circuit judges into European-style investigative magistrates. One can’t quite imagine these claret-faced old buffers in the role of Jean-Louis Brugière, a French judge whose pursuit of Islamists led to his being dubbed “the sheriff”, and not only because of the Magnum revolver he had under his jacket.

One of the puzzles of our time is why Britain scrupulously adheres to the Human Rights Act, when our allies and partners systematically flout the European Convention on Human Rights. Talk of human rights abuses invariably focuses on the US, with sneering TV documentaries about Guantanamo or CIA “extraordinary rendition”. But on much of the Continent they don’t allow civil liberty lawyers to turn terrorism into a risk-free activity.

When the Socialist Interior Minister of Spain organised a campaign of assassinating Eta terrorists across the border in France during the 1990s, he was following in the footsteps of French governments that had routinely killed FLN and OAS arms traders in the 1960s. Getting Spain’s message, France began deporting Eta suspects to places such as Papua New Guinea, and has since been repatriating radical Islamist clerics. The Germans, likewise, did not hesitate to deport a Turkish imam on grounds of national security, even though he had lived in Germany for 30 years. The former German Interior Minister, Otto Schily, once a lawyer for Baader-Meinhof defendants, cryptically remarked of the jihadis: “Those who love death can have it.”

While we agonise about 28 or 56 days custody, it is not uncommon for terrorist suspects in France to be held in preventive detention for four or five years before their case goes to court. The use of intelligence intercept evidence in courts is being debated here, but the Italian security services have long made transcripts of this material available, so revealing the lying cynicism with which, for example, Milan-based Arab jihadis regard European asylum laws. And then there is the internet, one of the key means of radicalising Muslims. Wolfgang Schäuble, the German Interior Minister, wheelchair-bound since a 1990 assassination attempt, has argued recently in favour of hacking into the computers of Islamist radicals. We can’t even manage to shut down jihadi websites or to prohibit subversive organisations, such as Hizb ut-Tahir, from operating on university campuses where the dons think they are dealing with the usual middle-class radicals.

If Mr Brown’s anti-terrorism measures seem ignorant of what our fellow Europeans practise routinely, they also reflect an outmoded habit of separating domestic and foreign policy. Why is foreign aid not contingent upon warning recipient states that they will forfeit it if clerics they subsidise preach hatred of the West? Why aren’t we helping Afghanistan or Pakistan to build secular alternatives to the Saudi-financed madrassas where children are brainwashed with cartoon Jew killers? If this is a neo-Cold War, why are we failing to help the four fifths of Muslims who are not from the Middle East to assert themselves against that demented region?

The predictable racket between rival lawyers does not even begin to address the serious questions involved if we don’t wish to live in that grim caliphate or to be murdered by hysterical fanatics.

Michael Burleigh’s most recent book is Sacred Causes: Religion and Politics from the European Dictators to al-Qaeda

And we have that liberal fucking twat Shami Chakranarti lying her fucking arse off to the press and nobody has a clue!

Our pre-charge detention period for terror suspects now stands at 28 days - the longest in the free world.

This lie has been repeated countless times in the media. Yet in France, they detain suspected terrorists for 4 to 5 years without charge, technically there is NO LIMIT in France.


  1. Yes, a lot to digest, re the border police yes I agree it is a complete farce....any one can just mosey on into Blighty, I guess we can at least be glad London (don't know about others) is ringed with radiological detectors on the lamp posts...

    Yes the class issue is definatly a factor, the tactics and predictability is not the same...the understanding (although still contempt and hatred) a British born working class Pakistani Muslim has of British Society is much deeper than any foreign born Muslim can ever gain.. in this way they know our habits and so consequently our vulnerabilities...I won't say where I was at University, (I've already mentioned the West Midlands) and the polarisation along racial lines caused by the ...well I will openly call them JIHADI's because they are, in such LARGE numbers, openly behaving as gangsters, threatening and abusing any one who is not specifically PAKISTANI MUSLIM polarizes the population. The whites hate and are suspicious of any Non whites, the blacks, well being a Londoner I was not impressed with the local Black population (being dual heritage myself) they were far to happy to play the role of the ignorant up to a white stereo type of blackness...BLING BLING HOMEY!! When in fact they needed to be really engaged in a very serious way with what was taking place around them...essentially their own the whites are almost ready to to me they were Yokels.
    You see, you have to appreciate that a Pakistani Muslim NEVER MOVES IN A HERD OF LESS THAN 8. AND IF THE 8 ARE NOT PRESENT, THEY ARE CLOSE BY AND SUMMONABLE BY CELL PHONE. The slightest, mildest disagreement with a single PAKISTANI MUSLIM results in a large group materialising out of thin air with anything from knives and baseball bats to guns. We all know this. Where ever there is a large SOUTH ASIAN particularly Muslim population this is a fact of life and race relations are rapidly deteriorating. The British way of doing things however, plays right into the hands of this tribal, savagery. Thanks to Thatcher we in Britain usually do not know our neighbours name, and yet in the inner cities it seems that 99% of new migrants, no matter where they have come from in the world,are Muslim, for example, groups who are currently arriving in numbers: Somali, Iraqi, Bosnian, eastern European, African Muslim and so forth. All Muslim. ALL WITH NO INTENTION of OR INTEREST IN INTEGRATING WITH THE INDIGIONOUS CULTURE/POPULATION.They build ever more Mosques and associations and continue to openly practice ISLAMIC savagery such as abusing women, (DIS)HONOUR KILLINGS(MURDERS),in their personal lives unchecked by the authorities because they know that to challenge the MUSLIM population would see intense rioting in the streets, so the authorities all ready admit/know that they are not in control of large parts of this country. THEY HAVE BEEN ISLAMIFIED...With the exception of the poles and the Chinese WHO ARE THE ONLY NON MUSLIM MASS MIGRANTS.An open Invasion is under way...unchecked and has been for 30 years. the sheer arrogance and confidence of the MUSLIM population to carry out there BARBARISM unchallenged as a result of middle class white terror at being called racist (and of losing there job), but what I simply call incompetence has brought about a bubbling pot of hatred in the UK. RACE WAR is inevitable. Ironically the longer the debate on this issue is brushed under the carpet and nothing done...the stronger the NEO NAZIS GET.
    A major factor in the University campus Jihadi's is a reluctance on the part of senior staff and tutors to admit THAT THERE IS A VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM HERE. If they did admit to it, they would have to do something about it and they know that this would really stir up the Hornets it is easier to pretend that everything is see the Muslim...particularly the Pakistani Muslim has become expert at using the big stick of an accusation Racism to scare the White governing elite (as a black person this to me is the most amazing trick the Muslim/SOUTH ASIAN has pulled off, considering they themselves are so overwhelmingly and aggressively racist!!!). This doesn't suggest that we should get rid of anti racist legislation because god knows this country needs it.
    No, the people who enforce this legislation need to be not quite so white, not quite so middle class and not quite so worried about losing their jobs, as the instant reaction and easier course of action is to bury there heads in the sand and pretend that the house really is not on fire around us.
    Really hand on heart..I do think that it is to late...years of mis application of political correctness has left the real victims of racism even more vulnerable and exposed and exploited as a result of the PAKISTANI clarify, All of the south Asian community are like an active klu klux klan to me. In conjunction with this the very rigid class division, as reinforced by the baby boomer generations getting rich quickly and pulling up ladders behind them, has stifled working class opportunities and has left a vacume of working class NON (SOUTH)ASIANS in all sections of management in the public sector who would naturally be rising up the ladder eventually into positions of policy making. So we just don't have the people in important positions who are capable of rebuffing an accusation of racism without running for the hills and coming up with a course of action. American readers, you need to also understand that in the UK there IS NO PROCESS OF NATURALISATION FOR IMMIGRANTS. This is probably because in previous years Migrants were coming directly from Empire, as my people initially did before heading for the United States. So migrants in previous times were allready semi naturalised on arrival, being citizens of Empire. Todays migrants have NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THE BRITISH AND AS SUCH ARE NOT FORCED TO BECOME PART OF THE BRITISH (WHICH THEY DON'T WANT TO ANYWAY). Also policy makers lack the direct experience of the problem. To some this may sound far fetched, I challenge particularly Americans, particularly from the intelligence community to quietly come to towns like Birmingham, Leicster, the North etc, Anywhere there is a large South Asian/MUSLIM community, and without announcing yourselves as American...just observe... because you will find radicalisation and tension on a scale that will have you wetting your pants.The British state seems incapable of doing anything about the problem. Even vigilant freedom won't help in the more Islamified area's...perhaps in the disappointed BNP area's...

  2. Oh and just one other point...i really wouldn't hold any faith in the Tories ....being partisan and non political here...right now they really couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery and i certainly wouldn't trust them with national security. No the changes that are needed are at a much more fundamental level than party political as I hope I explained in the post above. You see, the absolute destruction wrought on British society by the Tories have left Britain extremley divided and most definatley left the Tories unelectable for at least another generation. They are more fixated on finding away to con the electorate into voting for them than in coming up with real policies of substance. In the UK they are known as the nasty party and basically must disolve themselves and re emerge as a renamed and different party that has no link with Thatchers order to win an election. and finally the Muslim population is actually courted by the Tories because they are often small business natural tory voters...As the voting base also tend to be what we call racist little Englanders aswell, don't expect them to push an integrationist policy, which is what the situation needs. No the Muslims want to be left alone to Islamify by stealth the UK, and the Tory voters doesn't particularly want the darkies integrating and living next to them....result the status quo remains...nothing is done..
