
Sunday, July 22, 2007


Reliapundit speaks the truth clearly:


A police force withdrew plans for a televised appeal to help catch an Afghan suspected of sexually assaulting women after a race watchdog warned that it might spark a violent backlash.

Detectives were due to appear on an episode of ITV’s Manhunt to ask for help finding Noorullah Seddiqi, 34 ...

But the Chief Constable of the Devon and Cornwall force, Stephen Otter, told officers not to go ahead with the programme after the Devon Racial Equality Council, funded by and affiliated to the Commission for Racial Equality, said the appeal could lead to a racist backlash.

The BBC reveals that even general alerts on this chap apparently cause offence:

Police have been criticised for putting out a public appeal for Mr Seddiqi in April, three months after he broke bail.

This is NOT an example of appeasing the jihadist enemy, but an example of British skittishness about INCITING VIGILANTISM by Brits against Muslims.

This is also why PM Brown forbid the use of the words islam and terror in the same sentence.

I PREDICT: If there is another SUCCESSFUL jihado-terror attack in the UK, there WILL BE RETALIATORY VIGILANTISM. People want to be safe, and if the government fails to do what must be done to keep the people safe, then the people will do it themselves.

This will be true in the USA, too.

MY ADVICE TO MUSLIMS EVERYWHERE: If I were a moderate Muslim who wanted to remain safe and free, I'd worry about the potential for RETALIATORY VIGILANTISM - and how to prevent it.

Prevention will NOT come about by PC, or by agitating for additional rights and privileges - like CAIR. Nor will it come by arguing against government actions and laws meant to crackdown on the extremists, (like opposing the JOHN PROTECTION law).

The only way to prevent vigilantism against 3rd party Muslims is for all moderate Muslims to loudly and unambiguously condemn all islamo-extremism. This is the only way to prevent retaliatory vigilantism.

If you are not ADAMANTLY against them, then you - (the vigilante must conclude) MIGHT AS WELL be with them.

The cowardly actions of a PC administration will not protect you.


  1. Hi! I just wanted to say that I love the Blog and radio show, as a dual heritage (Black / White) thirty something male with years of being around Pakistani(British) Muslims, I have for years wondered why the quite openly racist attitudes of British/Pakistani Muslims goes unchallenged. Here in the Uk we can't even be mildly critical of the Muslim population. My white girlfriend is called GHORI by Pakistani Muslims daily (this means White Whore), I am constantly confronted with racist abuse from the Muslim population and yet all of this goes unchallenged by the State here in the UK. Probably because the politicians are not forced to live along side them (as a consequence of the housing crisis here in the UK, the average price of a house in the UK is $500,000) and also because they don't want to be accused of being racist. Muslim areas tend to have the cheapest/affordable rents.
    As a Sociologist I hear the white population openly discussing and planning a Bosnia type reaction. After 911 posters went up all over the country proclaiming the Hijackers as heroes. Still the state did nothing. In the west Midlands, certainly in Inner city areas, there are more Mosques than churches and yet more are planned. The result of this inaction on the part of the state is a sharp increase in support for Neo Nazi/ White supremacist groups here in the UK, perhaps understandably.
    As a black man this worries me as I will also be swept up in the purge when it comes, yet tolerating intolerance allows the rage to grow and allows the Muslims to grow in numbers and strength. A Muslim family will have 5+ kids compared to the 1 possibly 2 a non Muslim family can afford to have. Why do we allow Saudi Mullahs to preach hatred directly via web cam into the Mosques in the UK? In the USA you guys have it good! The Muslims are already heavily over represented in the public sector (UK) as they operate in a nepotistic way, only hiring Pakistani Muslims. Go to any Airport in the UK and 100% of the security staff will be Pakistani Muslim...
    Britain needs to get real about this issue. As a vehemently anti racist secularist Christian we need to end All Islamic immigration and tackle the Racism that comes from the Muslim population, (and then we have to start on the absolute barbarity and savagery the Muslims plan to inflict upon us all, especially our women...). British born Muslims refuse to refer to them selves as British, does not this speak volumes? We can see where their loyalties are.
    Finally, as a very conscious/aware black man YOU AND YOUR AGENDA ARE NOT RACIST!!!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !! I consider myself a Hawkish Liberal and in order to protect my Liberal Values it is clear to me that we have to be willing to defend our values from the Islamofacist horror that is coming and is already here in the UK by any means necessary! I pray that America will elect a leader up to the challenges that are coming and not another inept Halliburton employee (Hope you don't take offence there! LOL! I'll take Bush over Bin Laden any day!) as we MUST stand together.

  2. And, my liberal friend, so goes Israel, so goes Britain and the E.U., and so goes America !!

    Our Countries, among many more, share the same disgrace of our Leaders not steppin up to secure our Safety and Sovereinity..

    When it comes down to the wire and while our Leaders excape to their bunkers with a military guard we will rise to defend our homes and families.. It just distresses me to know that you and your countrymen dont have the same options we here in the U.S. have due to your disarmament..

    You are very true in that livin in the wrong neighborhood could have a bad effect.. Just be sure to have your "Colours" at the ready..

    When we are finally pushed into that corner there will be hell to pay once we begin our path back to freedom many memories will come back to haunt us, of family and friends that have had sufferin and misery cast upon em and the spirit of "REMEMBER THE ALAMO" will come back once again..

    Unleashed RAGE has its advantages against a barbaric Clan that has been relentless in their pursuit of your degredation.. It will level the playin field with a lack of compassion unequaled..

    Just like the Thai man that kept tauntin the elephant, the result aint gonna be pretty !!

    But I will will leave you with the words of a great man, a Brit in fact..

    “We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind, We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us: to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask: what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory - victory - at all costs, victory, in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.”- Winston Churchill, May 1940

  3. Pastorius,
    It's going to get ugly--and in my lifetime, I think. I didn't believe that the ugliness would happen in my lifetime until about a year ago.

    I wouldn't count on a stampede of moderate Muslims. And if the stampede happens after a horrific attack, I won't trust them.

  4. Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

    The good news and the bad news.



    "ALEX Salmond has boosted the cause of radical Islam in Scotland in his response to the Glasgow Airport attack, a leading Scots academic on religious affairs has claimed.

    Tom Gallagher, the chair of Peace Studies at Bradford University, said that Salmond had courted "radical voices" in the Muslim community following the attempted bombings...

    He also accuses Salmond of deliberately setting out to exploit the attack to win favour with Muslims in Scotland"

    Dear brothers and sisters,
    We've employed the usual response to close down this discussion: "Saeed (Dr Homi or Dr Sewi?) has now accused Gallagher of Islamophobia, saying there was no basis for the academic's attack.

    England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland - they're all Dar al-Harb as far as we are concerned. But let's continue paying 'Divide and rule' betwen Sassanach and Celt, Protestant and Catholic . If the Kufaars don't hang together, then they will most certainly hang separately! Allah Akhbar!!!!


    The Kufaars are beginning to question what exactly we Muslim doctors are doing to them.


    "One comment on those jihad "doctors".. the way they botched those terror attempts makes me wonder if they ever were very good doctors to begin with..."-- from a reader

    Isn't there another, much more obvious thought that the case of the Jihad Doctors might prompt? How carefully, with what tender attention, might such "doctors" treat their non-Muslim patients? I'm not talking about potential serial killers, injecting something lethal into the veins of trusting young Vijay Kumar, aged 11, who is brought in by his parents, or Mrs. Goldstein who closed her fabric store after her husband died, or retired Wing Commander Archibald Coakley, M.B.E., whose grandson brought him in, because each represents a different example of the enemy, the Infidel enemy that still inhabits England and seems to think the land is not for turning.

    No, there are other ways. Deliberate inattention, offering a wrong diagnosis, treating with ineffective drugs, overlooking the latest literature, forgetting ways to ease their pain, treating them roughly as they undergo certain procedures, making them anxious and enjoying their anxiety and that of their families.

    Farfetched? Why? If you take to heart what others among you have obviously taken to heart, and if this is indeed the permanent enemy, and if you are told you must not only never take them as friends, but regard them as Unbelievers who are obstinate obstacles to the triumph of Islam, large boulders blocking the path you have all your life been told to take, fi sabih Allah, wouldn't the stranger reaction be for those of us on the outside to dismiss such fears? Would it really make sense to call those who harbor them, or who point out why they are not necessarily far-fetched, objectionable, and not investigate the real possibility not only of such behavior -- but of the potential liability of doctors' groups and hospitals if they do not investigate or worry sufficiently about such matters? "

    Dr C. Riyal Kilah
    Muslim Malpractitioners Association

  5. Travelah,
    Thanks for the kind words and the support.

    I know where I'm coming from. However, all the picking constantly does get me down sometimes, as I have discussed on the radio show.

    I like your ideas on what we need to do to fix the problem. I think you need to join the Center for Vigilant Freedom. As far as I know, they are avowed anti-racists.

    If we are to fix this problem, peoplel like us will have to pick up the slack for now, because the government is doing nothing about it. That means you must get involved.

    You probably heard me interview Aeneas, from the British Center for Vigilant Freedom on the radio show. If you haven't heard the interview, then go to our archives page, and listen to it.

    That group is our hope, in my opinion.

  6. Of course this is how my German/American forerunners avoided persecution during the first and second world war. It worked, more or less, for the Japanese at the same time. Japanaese-American soldiers were among the bravest and most effective in the Italian campaign.

    Unfortunately I think many muslims in the west are too entitled to think of anything other than their rights and what they deserve as a matter of justice. I hope they will begin to think tactically about the issue and leave issue of justice to history.

  7. Wild Bill,
    Your speaking the truth, whether it is nice or not. The fact of the matter is, it's going to be a slaughter.

    Once again, I say to Travelah, I think the answer is to join the Center for Vigilant Freedom. At least that way, you will be down with some white people who will protect you. Because, I'm afraid the truth is, there are gonna be an awful lot of white Europeans kickin' it old school; real old school.

    Kickin' it medieval.

  8. Yeah, sadly, I think the window of opportunity for the moderate Muslim is about to pass.

  9. "Go to any Airport in the UK and 100% of the security staff will be Pakistani Muslim."
    I really, really hope that's an exaggeration, travelah.

  10. As I recall, having been to the UK, that is an exaggeration, but there were a lot of Muslims in security.

  11. KG said...

    "Go to any Airport in the UK and 100% of the security staff will be Pakistani Muslim."
    I really, really hope that's an exaggeration, travelah.

    Pastorius said...

    As I recall, having been to the UK, that is an exaggeration, but there were a lot of Muslims in security.

    No seriously it is no exaggeration, perhaps not the case at London airports, but Manchester, def Birmingham all major international Hubs it is the case, No exaggeration!

  12. Tavelah,
    Ok, I see. Yes, I have only been to Heathrow.

    How do the white Englanders feel about you as an integrated black man? How do they feel about the fact that you date a white woman?

  13. Pastorius, Wild Bill and all, thanx for the feed back, yes the situation is grim, our very way of life is at stake and your right, now is the time for 'connections' to be made, I've just woken up so todays job is to track down Vigilant Freedom. The state has disarmed us... for a reason. Do not mistake the public school boys who make up the governing elite in the UK, probably the ones the international audience is used to seeing, for the majority of the population. we British are a Staunch breed! Re the comments re Doctors, yes it has been on the mind of the people here. The problem is that the state finds it cheaper to import qualified doctors from developing countries (which is damaging to the developing world) than to train British Doctors, and yes leaving us open to person Jihads. Finally, in the UK concepts such as honor killings are VERY common, just this week a father was convicted of raping, murdering and then stuffing, in a suitcase, the remains of his daughter all becuase she was dating ...'the wrong man'. Where is the honor? I fail to see. Lets watch the situation in Israel, keep your heads up all, till next time mateys!

  14. Pastorius said...

    Ok, I see. Yes, I have only been to Heathrow.

    How do the white Englanders feel about you as an integrated black man? How do they feel about the fact that you date a white woman?

    Gotta say mate, here it is one area The US could learn from the UK, really it just not an issue. In fact the South Asian (Pakistani, Indian etc)community is the only unintegrated section of the community, who doesn't really date outside of their ethnicity. Of course you get the occasional muppet! But a scowl from me usually makes them fade away (I'm not a small guy and as I said before, I am a hawkish Liberal, I will stomp on your head for attacking a homosexual, or if ya wanna racially abuse me or others....we're going to talk..put my woman in a Burqa? HEHEHR ...Bring it on!). No, Much love and respect to my White British brothers and sisters for that. Remember Britain ended slavery first! Britain is socially a very integrated place, We still need to work on the professional sphere i.e work, as rampant racism is still the norm, eg black coppers are still very rare, black officers in the military very rare etc, but if the UK can learn from the US we will do well!

  15. Travelah,
    Ok, so here's my question. You said that you hear your white British counterparts talking openly about doing a Bosnia on the Muslims. I think you said you were afraid you'd get swept away in that.

    Here were your words:

    "As a black man this worries me as I will also be swept up in the purge when it comes ..."

    So, are you afraid the neo-Nazis are going to take over?

    I will get you the email address of the leader of Vigilant Freedom.

    I'll get back to you with it on this thread.

  16. Oh wait, here it is:

  17. Isn't it easy to tell the difference between a Sikh and a Muslim?

    Re: Stewardesses not flirting with you anymore. That IS a fucking tragedy.

  18. Pastorius said...So, are you afraid the neo-Nazis are going to take over?

    Yea, absolutely mate! Because of the nature of the problem we face re the Jihadis, the debate in the UK is being left by and large to the ultra right wing (BNP etc White supremacists) and any moderate or liberal voice who speaks up on this issue is immediately accused of being a racist, and by their very liberal/moderate stance this is more damaging (i.e you lose the debate) because you can't be a liberal with an accusation of being a racist over you. Now the neo Nazi's revel in that kind of accusation and as such remain the only people expressing the legitimate concerns, re the Muslims, of the population. I know of people who are not racist in their political stance yet voted BNP (Neo Nazi's) in local elections out of sheer frustration with the main stream politicians, who are 100% removed from the issue and as such aloof to the scale of the problem, more intent on giving lip service to political correctness, for the photo op, than in challenging what is , as I said before, (certainly what I as black/Dual heritage male) KNOW to be far and away the most RACIST, Barbaric community in the UK (SOUTH ASIANS/MUSLIM). I feel more concern about the South Asian/Muslim community than I do the Neo Nazi's, although as a Sociologist, one has to extrapolate how this will unfold and say, well if the concerns of (amongst others) White Britain are not being addressed by the 3 main stream parties, where are they going to go (vote)? Obviously for the only parties discussing these concerns, at present, being the BNP/Neo Nazi's. They have already taken council seats in areas that are either in, adjacent to or are made up of a population described as white flight (From SOUTH ASIANS/MUSLIMS).

  19. ps excuse my pre coffee spelling.... it seems to have gone to shit!!!

  20. travelah, it's fascinating to hear (see?) your views. It really gives a context for the news reports we get.

  21. Yeah, thanks Travelah. I feel for you. As you know, I have been worried about these things that you are expressing concerns about.

    That's why the Center for Vigilant Freedom must be supported. I hope you will email Aeneas.

  22. By the way, Travelah, I had no idea that Sikhs tended to be racist or violent. The Sikhs I have met here in the U.S. were very nice.

    Hmm. What do you know?

  23. Pastorius said...

    By the way, Travelah, I had no idea that Sikhs tended to be racist or violent. The Sikhs I have met here in the U.S. were very nice.

    Hmm, yes as I said before of all of the South Asian communities, the Sikhs tend to be the most open and moderate, so there is hope, however, because of the dominant culture in India/Pakistan, even though Sikhism is far more egalitarian in its approach to male female relations (gender power), as with most religions the inconvenient parts are conveniently forgotten. I think no rational person could deny that India/Pakistan and the Islamic world could be described as extreme masogonistic societies. Throughout India females appear to be very much the junior partners in relationships and are viewed, in my opinion, more as chattel (property) than equal humans. When I was in my early 20's I was dating a South African Asian Sikh girl for a while. She was a really beautiful intelligent human being with a good soul but We had to sneak around because she was terrified of her father finding out she was dating not only a non Sikh but a black man she was terrified he would deport her to India and kill me. I know another girl in this neighborhood who fell in love with a white guy and had to not only leave her family, but effectively go into hiding because if her family found her they would have killed her and her boyfriend. This is actually common with all South Asian communities and I feel smacks of barbarism and racism. Instead of judging the non South Asian boyfriend by the content of their character, they judge purely by his complexion. The worst repercussions come if an Asian girl falls in love with a black guy. I have to say if my daughter was dating a guy who was bad news I would probably reach for the shotgun....but I would at least asses that person before I set out to lynch him. As far as violent, I have to be careful here, the Sikhs are renowned warriors in India, but the violence only comes when they feel the family honor is besmirched, usually/especially in relationships outside of the Sikh community. As far as Sikhs in America, well my family is half American (NY and FL) and in my travels I have noticed that American South Asians, including Sikhs are 20 million times more Americanized/integrated than in the UK, often by the second generation after immigration. In the UK we are up to the 3rd and 4th generation in. I have in my browsing occasionally come across web sites where the more honest South Asians discuss amongst themselves what they all know is a wide spread and prevailant attitude in all of their communities where ever they are in the world, from the UK to the USA, from Fiji to Australia yet very very few will admit to the problem. If I can find a page again i will be sure to Email/ link you to it.

  24. So, I guess at least some of the American Sikhs I have met are probably practicing their own brand of taqiyya.

    Hey, would you want to come on our radio show and talk about the problems you are describing?

  25. Just ask your buddy in Vancouver, Dag. I'm sure he can tell you, in his own inimitably verbose and pompous way, all about the problems with Sikhs in Vancouver in particular and Canada in general.

  26. Yes, that could work sometime, I want to be clear though that what I am describing is common in all the South Asian communities and I stress again that of all of the South Asian Communities I feel that the Sikhs at least make an effort to get along and don't have an axe to grind with western civilization in the same way the Muslims do. The Sikhs just need to continue to integrate and westernize and by that I mean open up. In the same way a Jew could fall in love and marry a Christian, without the family necessarily wanting to lynch the Christian. I mean, the Caste or class stratification of the Hindu community is also disgusting being that it is dictated by birth, revolves around the shade of complexion (lighter being higher caste)is unchangeable (being for life), dictates your life opportunities (Jobs that you are ALLOWED TO DO, and WHO you are ALLOWED TO MARRY) and is totally against the concepts we have in Western culture of working hard and Socio economic mobility/advancement.
    But I must say that as a Liberal, as a black man, I feel it is important for Liberals to engage in this debate re the creeping threat that Islam poses to Western Liberal secular values rather than leaving the debate to the far right! I am amazed that more feminists are not speaking up (considering the direct threat that is posed by radical Islamic thought) and also more black people as we all share this experience of the South Asian community here in the UK. I am also amazed that all of this is a revelation to you as a lot of this is common knowledge here in the UK (for both black and white). In fact I have just googled and immediately come up with an article of the kind of tension and the root causes behind it

    I'm not a native of the West Midlands, being a Londoner, but was at University up here so currently live here (I'm transferring out in September as we can't take it any more!) and this report tallies with my day to day experience of the Muslim community here in the UK, Particularly the West Midlands (Birmingham etc)
    Uhmm how do I get me E-mail address to you confidentially? My future career intentions require some tact....

  27. Ok, I've found one of those websites re the more honest and enlightened South Asians openly discussing the problem...

  28. Travelah,
    Let me be clear that there is, indeed, racism, of the kind you describe, here in America as well. There are many black people who think that there brothers and sisters should not marry white people. There are white people who think the same thing. However, those people are made fun of here. There are problems with Muslims, but they are confined to very strict areas, and thus, most of our population is completely unaware of the problem. For the most part, from what I can see mainstream America has been relatively unconcerned with race for the past 15 years or so. There has been the occasional flare up of trouble, as with the OJ Simpson trial (which brought out a lot of feelings which I guess were hidden under the surface), but really, everyone just pretty much leaves everyone else alone to make their own decisions here.

    I think, personally, that everyone has prejudices, but once you live around people of other races, you will see that there are good people and bad people in all races, and the worst thing is to be tribal.

    That's my opinion.

  29. Really Anonymous? Would you like to be the one who instigates trouble between this blog and the Sikhs?

    You sound like a weird dude. Where are you coming from, other than snide-remark land?

  30. Pas, I have to differ with you on the Race Relations here in the U.S. ..

    Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Spike Lee, Cynthia McCommie((D)-Atlanta), members of the Dallas City Council, and many many more come to my mind in an instant, of whom have fostered and tried to instigate racial tension on a REGULAR basis across this country..

    Have you forgotten the hatred that came after Katrina in Nawlins ?? Charges that the levee was exploded to kill blacks(even tho a higher percentage of whites died) ??

    How bout the Duke Rape Case ??

    And might I remind you of Don Imus ?? Did you know that Sharpton now has NO PROBLEM of a return of Imus to the airwaves since the Hio-Hop folks have shown him the Light ??

    And, accordin to the Media, it was bigotry and racism that was behind the opposition of Keith Ellison in Minnesota and not his connections to Nation of Islam and Calypso Louis Farrakhan and Free Mumia..

    Racism and Bigotry has been tossed into everythang from Soft Drinks to the '04 Prez Elections to Talk Radio to Immigration Reform..

    In spite of our Constitution and Bill of Rights(all men are created equal), Hate Crime Legislation threatens to create a Protected Class amongst us..

    People are no longer measured by their Merits.. Their Work Ethic can no longer be factor in a persons termination from work, but whether they can bring a frivilous and expensive lawsuit against the employer, and Hiring Quotas are more important than who is most qualified and experienced..

    Bigotry and Racism would die a natural death from simple Ethics if it were left alone, but too many find Fame, Fortune, and Stardom in exploitin it..

    I'm suprised that some handi-crippled asshole aint sued to have Mt. Everest excavated to a lower height so that they can get their gimpy butts to the top !!

  31. Wild Bill,
    You are correct of course, and I apologize for not having been specific. I realized later last night that I had not been precise enough, and then I had forgotten to come back and correct myself.

    So, here is what I mean:

    Here in the community I live in in California, I, and many of my friends, inter-marry, hang out with people of different races, and have children of various colors.

    We all walk around everyday, and no one says a word to us, nor stares at us funny. And, that is because there are so many like us. Our children do not get teased at school, we don't get bad treatment in restaurants or banks, or stores. We have no visible problems.

    Now, that being said, I am completely aware that the Koreans, and many of the Viet Namese around me disapprove of my having inter-married and created half-breeds. I am also fully mindful of the fact that there is a lot of black on white racism. However, I never experience it, and I haven't since the 1970's.

    I used to live in a black neighborhood in Pasadena. I had no problems.

    So, I have lived a rather idyllic life.

    I know things are different in other parts of the country. I travel enough to have seen it personally.

  32. I'm on my 4th wife now and aint none of em been the "norm" for a White Protestant Texas-Redneck(me) !!

    I have sunk to an all-time low for a Redneck with this last one tho.. She is a German/Irish Catholic born and raised in Arkansas !! Little Rock, no less..

    I've taken a rash of shit from my neighbors in just about all the places I've lived and visited ..

    I was Military when Military wadnt cool.. I was white in predominantly Mescan and Black neighborhoods where white wadnt cool.. I was Texan where Texan wadnt cool. I was straight in San Fran !! I was in a wheelchair where cripples wadnt cool..

    If people wanna find a problem with you, they will find SOMETHIN !! Dont matter if you live in the same neighborhood, have the same color skin, go to the same church, vote the same, or even be in the same FAMILY !!

    I am against inter-marriages tho.. Not on any race or ethnic grounds, but on cultural grounds.. Marriage is hard enuff to pull off, remember that I'm on my 4th, and inter- marriages put even more stress on marriage..

    At the same time the World has become a much smaller place, our differences and freedom to be different have become even larger..

    The list of thangs that people have in common has grown less by leaps and bounds while we have all been crowded in closer and closer together..

    The aroma that eminates from our neighbors kitchen may be enuff to make us hurl and ours may do the same to them.. That could also be the case for our spouse too..

    I've seen people have many kinds of events in their life have devastatin effects, but none as severe as seperation and divorce, and for people to put racial, religious, or ethnic differences into the mix is just addin to the odds bein stacked against em..

    Just imagine that you meet and hit it off with a ~HOT~ babe that you find out is a diehard Feminist.. After 2 years of sheet-soakin, screamin, scratchin, clawin, Monkey Sex, you get married only to find out that the sex you had, she considered it rape and that it wadnt ever gonna happen again.. And altho you have tolerated her bull-dyke friends and she has always come over wearin a low-cut blouse and miniskirt to serve refreshments to you and your cigar-smokin-buddies on POKER NITE,
    now then there WONT be any more POKER or BUDDIES and that POKER NITE is now reserved for her ACTIVIST GROUP and you will be required to do the laundry and shoppin on that nite and NOT be anywhere around !!

    And dont even THANK about stoppin off at the Bar for a coldbeer and a game of Pool after work anymore !!

  33. Wild Bill,
    Are you tellin' me about your real life, or are you proposing a new hip sitcom idea? For God's sake, if that was your real life experience, I feel sorry for you.

    You'd have to live my life to understand it, just as I'd have to live your life to understand yours.

    But, please give me the respect to believe me when I tell you, my friends and I (all of different races) get along just fine. And, many of us are inter-married.

    While I understand other people's objections to inter-marriage (including yours), it simply has not been my experience.

    Now, I could sit here and lecture you on ignorance, but I won't do that, knowing that you come from a different part of the country, where people behave differently.

    I don't have problems with the people around me, and luckily, I generally don't, and never for any reason having to do with race.

    Well, at least not since back in the 70's, as I mentioned.

  34. Jesus...were fucked.....if we are really this divided the Jihadi's will be marching us of to the Mosque at gun point before we know it......My original posts were to highlight the UNIVERSAL CONTEMPT the Muslims have for ALL NON MUSLIMS...especially here in the UK.... My aim was to show why Liberals and Libertarians need to be concerned ...and involved..and then we got side tracked into this....a lot of latent hatred here......WTF is the Norm?...Islamofacism is one thing....but....slamming people who campaign on issues that have no relevance to your as narrow minded as the Jihadi's OH well....pass my a spliff and the ammo....gonna party like its the last night on Earth....

  35. Travelah,
    Who slamming anyone? Me and Wild Bill are old buds. This is the way Americans talk to each other.

    I doubt he would have much of a problem with what I said. I didn't have a problem with what he said.

    I'm simply reminding him that it's me he's talking to. In other words, consider the source. If he trusts me on other stuff, then he ought to trust me on being able to accurately relate my life's experiences.

  36. Let me be clear that the reason I have no problem with Wild Bill's views on inter-marriage is because, having been around the United States, I know what he says is true.

    Interracial marriage is not as accepted in other parts of America as it is in California, where I am from.

    That's why I wouldn't call him ignorant.

    Does that make sense?

  37. I'm not saying wild bill is retarded....(I do have a sense of humour) ....but this American obsession with racial purity is more than a little in Europe it is such a non issue...really....Uhmm considering what we just seems so divisive....So what, a Mexican and Swede are from 2 different planets?....Who gives a F*** if they want to hook up and have long as they love each other and treat each other with any couple should......when I was younger and a Whore...I got with....EVERY SINGLE ETHNIC group on the planet....and most nationalities......AHHH yes the CAFE dE Paris....Glory days....As for other half is a post modern in doesn't hate men....EVOLVE people....yes its true....Evolution is real not a Myth!...Here in commie Euro land....We are broke....oppressed....Lack opportunities...face impossible property prices......but damn if we don't just love geting's just too bad America isn't there yet and seems stuck in the 1950's man!!!!....Wild Bill....Mate...sounds like you've just been choosing Psychotic deceptive women mate!....What are you rich or something?......Actually a partner of a different culture is the cultural base of the children is wider...not conflicted! helps to keep things..interesting....In a marriage your supposed to be equal partners....and that means you shouldn't have to surrender any of your cultural identity....yet can gain more of a cultural family is British, Cuban,Jamaican,Panamanian,American,Scandinavian etc....I'm still me...I remember NY being very ethnically segregated when I was up in the Bronx....and that just leads to suspicion...myths...and ignorance.....about YOUR NEIGHBOUR....not good...not good...

  38. Watcher,
    I don't think Wild Bill is being ignorant. I think he is telling it like it is where he comes from. And, I'm not trying to be all live and let live.

    I'm not exactly sure where Wild Bill is from, but I always thought he was from Texas. Believe me, there are areas of Texas where what he says is absolutely true.

    South Carolina is quite a place too.

    And, as you mention, in the Northeast, New York, and many of the surrounding states, ethnicity still plays a huge part in social life. I agree with you, though, that it would be better for us all to move past it.

    Easier said than done.

  39. To clarify NY being in...Our neighborhood had Carribean...(Puerto Rican, Jamaican,Haitian,etc) NO WHITE PEOPLE......? And so the white folks were suspicious of the black folks...and the Black folks were suspicious of the White folks.....and the Puerto ricans...(Women) were just gorgeous!!!!....No seriously though....they seemed to be the only ones that just didn't care....OH HOW I MISS PUERTO RICAN WOMEN....


  41. Dammit!! that like really discourteous mate....I hope not....once again...sorry...I should have used the same name on both....but then the blogs just took sorry all! Wild Bill.let me hear ya!! Pastorious...R U with me???

  42. OK....I see...Monkey sex huhh....sounds mean like you might have with a beautiul Scandinavian queen....or perhaps an Amazonian warrioe woman...or even perhaps a Nubian Empress....or how about a Asiatic godess.....So many little time...

  43. Watcher/Travelah,
    No problem. Don't worry about it.

    I was confused, though, because we do have a Watcher here, and he is a Russian, so I was wondering where all this stuff about Jamaica, and New York was coming from.


  44. Watcher,
    As to monkey sex, well, it sounds like the Puerto Rican women are the one's you can't get out of your mind, so they're probably the ones you had monkey sex with.


  45. Now, this conversation has degenerated, huh?


  46. Yea your probably right....but I make my point no?...

  47. It aint that I dont ACCEPT it, Pas, its just that I dont ADVOCATE it..

    In fact, I have several friends that are/have been involved in mixed-race relationships.. NONE of em are without problems related to it, and some are MAJOR problems..

    But its like Charles and Dianna.. Who in their right mind didnt see it comin that there would be problems with a Prince and a Commoner unitin ?? And Race didnt have a thang to do with it..

    The fact that your relationship has thrived is testimony to the effort you BOTH have put into it..

  48. The fact that your relationship has thrived is testimony to the effort you BOTH have put into it..

    Yea Wild Bill...and that's the crux of the issue mate.....Nice one.....that is the only point I wanted to make....race is irrelevant mate.....

  49. Oh and Pastorius, I finally managed to catch that radio show, re Aeneas and Vigilant Freedom, I like what he has to say...and the concept of the radio/media network is awesome....Much needed and I will definatley be in touch with him...seems like a good place for my Blog that I plan on launching....called JERK-DOVE-HAWK

  50. No problems on the identity with me..

    That Monkey Sex is where its so good and so physical that even the dog has to have a smoke afterward !!

  51. RE The future political active direction of Vigilant Freedom...absolutely a must...that could really sweep the board at the population an alternative to the BNP as most Brits are uncomfortable voting for them...yet the concerns they express are only addressed by the BNP thus isolating the black/asian voter (leaving them effectivley disenfranchised?)..(the Asian vote would need work, but could be landed as old hostilities are there, again the anti sharia dimension)as well as giving the more progressive asian voter a way of showing their Britishness and rejection of the Jihad..we are DEF going to be in touch...I really like what he has to the BNP giving up their ethno nationalistic's been mutterd a few times...but the BNP could never in a convincing way pull this off as their leadership and voting base (not the transient voter-Frustrated etc)are hard core White Supremicist has frequently been exposed in several high profile undercover expose/documentaries and will not change, they frequently try to deny they are a racist party and then get caught at their summer camps flying Swastikas and sieg heiling...vigilant freedom could fill that void.....this is going to BLOW UP!....The Tories are in disarray...labour relies on (and panders to)the Muslim vote.(to the growing derision of non muslim voters)...Liberal democrats...(Pissing in the wind basically)irrelevant with weak leadership and internal strife....I think the voting base could be drawn in from a multi ethnic base...including Sikhs and Hindus....looking for a way of distancing themselves from their historic Muslim enemy...White voters will be falling over themselves to vote for this party and Black voters....certainly in the Capital (London) of Afro Caribbean extraction would vote amongst others..I think effort would be needed for the wider black vote outside the capital, but a multi ethnic candidate base would alleviate the concerns of Non white voters here.....especially focusing on the anti Sharia dimension.uhmmm the important thing is that all 3 main parties are tired and have no fresh ideas/policies..and the voting public know it..targeted local elections could most def be won..... the worry will be in the Islamists using violence and basically terrorism to shut the party up......but PAS you beauty! I think something good is gonna happen here...

  52. Wild Bill said...

    That Monkey Sex is where its so good and so physical that even the dog has to have a smoke afterward !!

    Mate I'm rolling around on the floor pissing myself laughing mate!!!!!

  53. RE Vig Freedom..the party....Dagenham (A LONDON WARD) could EASILY be the population voted BNP last election.....and then the BNP councillors failed to turn up to any council the voting public is now even disillusioned with the fascists......a void to be filled...

  54. Watcher 71,

    Re, your statements:

    "this is going to BLOW UP!....

    I think something good is gonna happen here..."

    Yes, I think so too. You know how I joke about the Infidel Bloggers Alliance being the paralell government of the entire world.

    Well, this new party has the opportunity to truly become the new government of the entire Western world which is oppressed by the Islamists, and forgotten by their leadership.

    Vigilant Freedom has the potential.

    Does it have the leaders?

    That remains to be seen.

    You and I need to talk more. Let's start by talking on my radio show.

  55. Watcher 71,
    Re: the fascists not showing up to fill their posts.

    That is info Aeneas needs to know. Maybe he can concentrate on that area first.

  56. Wild Bill,

    Let me be clear: I understood your point, and I even agree, considering the place you come from.

    What I am trying to say is, I have no problems in my relationship with my wife, because NO ONE EVER BUGS US!

    This is the way it is in the area of California in which I live.

    You have to understand, I am no pioneer. I am among hundreds of thousands out here in California.

    See what I mean?

    I live in a different world than you do.
