
Thursday, August 09, 2007

And a bridge in Brooklyn

Maybe we need to have national debate over fundamental strategies and values. We have seen this story, but the reassurances which boggle the mind persist.

Can anyone say - FUEL CELL?

Report: Saudi arm deal checks Iran, won't harm Israel

TEL AVIV — Israel would not be threatened by a major U.S. arms deal with Saudi Arabia, a report said.

The Insitute of National Security Studies asserted that a proposed U.S. sale of aircraft, upgrades and precision-guided munitions to Riyad would not harm Israel, Middle East Newsline reported. INSS said in a report that Saudi Arabia would not use the U.S. weapons against the Jewish state.

"At the same time, military assistance to the Gulf states sends a strong signal to Iran by emphasizing American commitment to the security of those states," the report said. "The criticism voiced in Teheran following the administration's announcement indicates that this signal was clearly understood."

Shah of Iran, F-14's. Kidd Class Destroyers

In late July, the Bush administration announced plans to sell up to $20 billion in weapons to Riyad. The administration did not specify the combat platforms in a deal opposed by many in Congress.

"Apart from sending symbolic representatives in past wars, the Saudis have never actually acted against Israel," the report, entitled "The Saudi Arms Deal," said. "And in array of serious threats to Saudi basic interests, Israel hardly figures at all.

Right, they only have helped to create and support HAMAS, which now takes $$ from Iran as well, and advice and direct support form the IRGC. Our policy is strategically schizophrenic.

We are betting the enmity between Shia and Sunni is not only greater than their hatred of the jews, but us as well, AND we are doing so in the clear daylight of objective evidence to the contrary. While the present REGIME in Riyadh has enmity for the Iranians, the religious objectives of the salafi freaks are nearly identical to the khomeinist freaks, until the day after victory.

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