
Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Great Wafa Sultan Speaks Up Against Islam

And, as I said in the post below, you can't post this video too many times either.


  1. This woman is another example of Muslims that have made their fame and fortune through supporting that which is against Islam, such as Salman Rushdie and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. It appears that these are the ones they call ‘moderates’. They slander Islam and are therefore considered heroes, while those that support their faith are considered extreme. I am unable to understand what makes Wafa Sultan an expert on Islam, particularly when she generalises the entire Muslim community in her speeches displaying extreme colonial undertones such as

    “It is a clash between civilization and backwardness, between the civilized and the primitive, between barbarity and rationality.”

    I remember learning in history class that the white man invaded Africa to “lead the black man out of the darkness and into the light”. Wafa Sultan speaks in a similar fashion, ignoring that barbarity and primitiveness exist in the USA where she lives, a country that executes prisoners, invades other countries to torture and slaughter the inhabitants. This woman who is educated to the doctorate level states “the Muslims are the ones who began the clash of civilizations”, when it is very clear that there has been a continuous band of atrocities repeating themselves throughout history, with its root in the ‘Christian Atonement‘ theory.

    Wafa Sultan applies her psychology skills, her chosen subject, to become accepted amongst the non-Muslims and increase her status. I find her points very one-sided, pro-Israeli and an attempt to bring Islam into disrepute. Although Jews have stolen the entire land of Israel, murdered Palestinian children, opened fire inside mosques and assassinated Yitzhak Rabin, Wafa Sultan states in the widely available transcript of her interview carefully edited by an Israel linked organization, MEMRI TV,

    “The Jews have come from the tragedy (of the Holocaust), and forced the world to respect them, with their knowledge, not with their terror, with their work, not their crying and yelling…. We have not seen a single Jew blow himself up in a German restaurant. We have not seen a single Jew destroy a church. We have not seen a single Jew protest by killing people.”

    We need only to refer to the exploits of Arial ‘The Butcher‘ Sharon to show how out of touch these points are. Underneath all the headline points in her words, the message is that Islamic extremism merits condemnation until it is eradicated. An excellent message, which is overshadowed by her belittling statement that Muslims must earn respect by benefiting humankind. She ignores that 1. ‘Muslim’ does not equal ‘Terrorist’, and, 2. If people want the respect of Muslims then they must stop making these silly points. If it is the case that Wafa Sultan wants to impress the Christians, Atheists and Jews to raise her profile and increase sales for her proposed book The Escaped Prisoner: When God Is a Monster, to do it at the expense of the entire Muslim community shows her lack of good character. She does not ‘deserve to die’ for her opinion, but is she a heretic and infidel? Well, she has denounced her religion because gunmen of the Muslim Brotherhood killed her professor in front of her. If this is not a weak level of justification then I don’t know what is, as she has evidently blamed Allah and Islam rather then blaming the gunmen. One of my university lecturers is now addicted to crack/cocaine, but even if his supplier was the Ayatollah himself, it would not be any justification for me to leave Islam.

    If witnesssing the death of her professor at the hands of terrorists caused Wafa Sultan to start “questioning every single teaching of our holy book”, then why criticise the Muslim clerics, holy warriors and political leaders that she believes have distorted Islam, as people to be “corrected”. As the “holy book” pre-dates these people, if Wafa Sultan believes it to be a distortion then she only has to provide her evidence. Rather then striving to correct those that distort Islam as she claims, Wafa Sultan’s real intention is instead to express her view that the fundamental teachings of Islam are distorted, and Islam is not the religion provided to man by God.

    If she truly believes that the “distorted” religious teachings of Islam prompt young people to commit suicide and that somebody has to help free the Muslim people from these wrong beliefs, then why is she not highlighting the distorters AND the distortions. It would have been more accurate for her to say that the Qur’an does not prompt suicide and therefore vulnerable Muslims should be informed of this fact. Instead Wafa Sultan’s intention is that Muslims should be “corrected” until they become non-believers just as she did not believe and “had to leave (Islam)”…and…”look for another god”. She now seeks to prosper by recruiting Muslims and rallying the anti-Muslims with her far-right cry of “Fear Muslims! Fear Arabs! Fear Islam!”. As Muslim wakeup argues, she quotes Islamic scriptures on warfare out of context and in isolation to justify her beliefs, just as do the militants to justify their actions. Wafa Sultan and Al Qaeda are alike in distorting the message of Islam, “how is that going to reform anyone’s mind?”

    Evidently, Wafa Sultan distorts the facts in order to fit a politically motivated inaccurate view of Islam. The world is full of good Muslims who understand Islam as a religion of peace, and it is a minority of Muslims, like the members of Al-Qaeda, that have misinterpreted the Qur’an. I am therefore not surprised that in response to Wafa Sultan’s distortion of these facts, clerics throughout the Muslim world have condemned her, and her telephone answering machine has filled with dark threats causing her to go into hiding. Her beliefs are summed up in a recent interview where she has been billed as expressing a “new-found affection for the Jewish people and hope for the future”, and claims to be a “saviour”. Akeel Shah best sums up Wafa Sultan by saying,

    “I’m sure we’ll be hearing more about Wafa in the near future. She’s certainly endeared herself to the anti-Islamist right (and much of the left for that matter) in the West. That will likely secure her healthy book sales, at least in the English language market.”

    Wafa Sultan's popularity increases, even receiving a listing at Wikipedia (biased obviously) for her distorted speeches. Bassam Zawadi’s excellent article, refutes her lies “so that people can know how to reply back to ignorants such as Wafa Sultan”.

    “In conclusion, Wafa Sultan holds no water in her arguments against Islam. Every herd has its bad sheep. She cannot go around judging Islam based on its bad sheep. Because then we would have to judge all religions this way then. She has an agenda; her agenda is to discredit Islam at all costs.”

  2. Okey jamal, you can be famous by being critical to death threat from muslims in the name of islam, but then you also are being threat to death by muslims in the name of islam.

    Critics against the dogma and totalitarianism not many muslims dare to phrase and that's why those who do and being threaten to death are well known. If islam shall åprevail as the totalitarian cult of Muhammed I think it must be cruched completely.

  3. Improvement of my comment:

    ...shall *persist* as the totalitarian cult...

    /magnus ("non-english-speaking")

  4. Thanks for clarifying that Magnus.

    What language is your primary language?

  5. Jamal, you just don't get it.

    You can't.

    For you to get it, a certain text would suddenly no longer be 'revealed', no longer be perfect, and no longer be immutable.

    THAT is the heart of the problem.
