
Sunday, August 12, 2007

HAMAS inspired Islamists in Jordan look to emulate GAZA victory

From Gertz again, whose stories should be widely published, not hidden behind a subscription.

The pro-Al Qaida Islamic movement in Jordan has decided to target the U.S. presence in Jordan. The Islamic opposition charges the United States is pulling the strings of the Hashemite kingdom.

In unprecedented accusations, the Islamic Action Front accused the United States of masterminding Amman's crackdown on Jordan's Islamic movement. IAF said Jordan was part of a U.S. plan to target the Islamic movements in the region by rigging elections, including the Aug. 1 municipal elections in the kingdom.

"The robbery of the Jordanian people's will on Aug. 1 confirms the existence of a U.S. 'Dayton' scheme that targets the Islamic movement in Jordan," IAF secretary-general Zaki Bani Ershaid said.


Why don't we GET this all yet?

The world is filled with anti americanism. In the mid east and the muslim world this is compounded because to them, WE ARE THE JEWS, and have been successfully portrayed as such by Qutb, et al, and explains why anyone who 'stands up' to us becomes so popular, no matter how reprehensible.

Today, this is as winning a political position for the muslim masses as being a democrat in 1932 in the USA. This puts HAMAS, and all Islamists, including the Khomeinists in the ascendancy.

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