
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Marvel Comics does not support the troops

It looks like Marvel has once again sunk into the sick obsession they've developed with offending America. In one of their latest crossover connected comics, Silent War #6, they depict US troops as suicide bombers:
Now, in the story, a select group of soldiers who are primed and ready to die at the command of their superior are exposed to the Mists and given temporary super powers that doom them to die. These soldiers are sent to the moon to battle the Inhumans who can honestly take people who’s insides are being torn apart by energies they were never meant to have. One guy’s head pops off, at which point the soldiers surrender and are taken into custody by the Inhumans. One of these soldiers wasn’t exposed, however, and instead carried explosives.

As the soldiers are escorted to holding cells, Maria Hill personally activates ‘KISMET‘ from a control room watching the fight go down and when the soldier is on target, she doubles over, stutters out a ‘God Bless America’ and explodes, killing herself, the rest of her squad and leaving Atillan in rubble, burying Black Bolt in the blast and I’m sure doing some harm to the Inhumans in the area as well.

Let me say this again: SHIELD wrapped a woman in explosives and detonated her in order to destroy people who didn’t have to be an enemy if the Fantastic Four had just gotten their heads out of their asses and talked to the people who used to watch their kids on weekends. An American citizen (albeit fictional) tried to kill people she felt were the enemy because her government didn’t understand them. SHIELD supports terrorist tactics that, in real life, are considered cowardly and wrong. Bill Maher got kicked off the air by calling people who do such actions ‘warriors‘ and now here are our heroes sending in people to kill themselves for their beliefs.
Absolutely disgusting. I recall that 3 years ago, Marvel was giving out some Avengers specials as a seeming gesture to support the troops in Iraq. However, if they're going to put out garbage like this, that even goes so far as to insult the Inhumans and SHIELD, then no US soldier with common sense should have to accept Marvel's so-called contributions. Here's their page with the contact info, where I'd encourage all concerned to go and write to tell them that this is simply offensive and that they should apologize.

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