
Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Muslim Vote

From this August 24, 2007 article in the Washington Post:

More than 50 candidates in this fall's elections are expected to appear in Reston tomorrow [August 25] at a political picnic organized by a group of Northern Virginia mosques, and organizers say the heavy turnout underscores the growing influence of Muslim voters in local politics.

The event, the group's seventh annual "family and civic picnic," has a dual purpose, organizers say. Through a voter registration drive, they hope to persuade more Muslims to become involved in local elections. In addition, they hope to show the candidates that "we're here, we care, and we do vote," said Shirin Elkoshairi, a spokesman for the Sterling-based All Dulles Area Muslim Society, which has more than 5,000 members.

"[The turnout] definitely shows that candidates feel that Muslims are voting and are a force at the polls," Elkoshairi said.

So far, nothing remarkable in the article.

Then comes the mention of Mukit Hossain, about whom I have blogged on more than one occasion. An index to those postings is HERE.

Read the rest at Always On Watch.


  1. From the posted article:

    "So far, nothing remarkable in the article."

    Actually, there is . . .the name Shirin Elkoshairi rings a bell . . .


    quote: "Shirin Elkoshairi works for a technology company and lives in Ashland, Va., said he is getting ready to switch his investments over to a Shariah-compliant mutual fund. He already has a Shariah-compliant mortgage.

    "At the end of the day, you know you're living in a house and you can actually put your head down at night and not feel bad for going against Islamic shariah," he said.

    He - and any - sharia obsessive individual must be watched carefully.

    Got Sharia ? Then you've got Tu Qoque and Taqiyya competent - murder incorporated.
