
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Storm Track Disinformation: “Understanding the Basics of Islam Is the First Step in Healing”

That headline come from that well-known apologist for Islam, John Esposito, writing in the Washington Post.

Jesus is for Christians, except solely human. He is seen as the ideal husband, father and friend, the ultimate political leader, general, diplomat and judge. Understanding Muhammad's special place in Muslim hearts helps us appreciate the widespread anger of many mainstream Muslims -- not just extremists -- with the denigration of a Muhammad-like figure in Salman Rushdie's 1988 novel "The Satanic Verses," the controversial 2005 Danish cartoons depicting Muhammad in unflattering lights or Pope Benedict XVI's 2006 speech quoting a long-dead Byzantine emperor who accused the prophet of bringing "only evil and inhuman" things into the world.

Karen Armstrong's "Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time" and Tariq Ramadan's "In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad" provide fresh, perceptive views on his modern-day relevance.

The Gallup World Poll's helpful section on the Muslim world ( sheds some light on the views and aspirations of more than 1 billion Muslims. My years studying those attitudes suggest that Muslim hostility toward the West is mostly political, not religious, and that Muslims hope the West will show their faith more respect.

You have to wonder if Esposito lives in the real world. Has he seen the reality of Islam’s modern-day relevance in Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan?

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

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