
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Storm Track Intimidation: More of the Tolerance of Islam

We just can’t get enough examples of Muslim tolerance these days. Here’s another one.

A group of Muslim protesters in India has attacked an exiled Bangladeshi author and feminist at a book launch in the country's south.

That’s right. ATTACKED. Muslim whining is no longer good enough to silence critics.

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

1 comment:

  1. Aussies want a moratorium on Moonloons.

    "I think we need to have a look at our immigration levels and I'd like to put a moratorium on any more Muslims coming into Australia," Hanson told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio Wednesday.

    She said Australia also needs to change its international humanitarian commitments so it can reject "refugees in this country that bring in diseases, who are incompatible with our lifestyle."

    Too bloody right! Islam is a disease in itself - a contagious mental illness causing psychopathic rage and sexual perversion.
