
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"Lifting the Fog"

My friend Mustang of Social Sense has written what I consider an excellent and important essay. Excerpt from the end of the essay:
...It is amazing to me that President Bush and other leaders in the Western World refuse to acknowledge the truth of what is happening. Indeed, Mr. Bush is prancing around the Saudis like a little girl in a tutu — and the greatest evidence of this is our government’s refusal to demand closure of Wahhabist madrassahs in Northern Virginia and other locations from one end of this country to the other. I can assure you that if anyone opened a Christian academy that taught students to hate and seek out Muslims and mutilate them, the entire weight of the U. S. government would descend upon them in short order....
Read Mustang's entire essay. Worth your time and consideration.

We lack effective political leadership, leaders who are not dhimmis, leaders with guts enough to get past political correctness. Where are those leaders?


  1. I know this is off topic, but I couldn't find your email address and wanted to alert you to this article/blog post that linked to your site:

    It linked to your Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week post. It was written by the Washington reporter for the Patriot-News of Harrisburg, Pa. Note how he intimidates the poor college student at the end.
    -- CJ

  2. I found the article HERE:

    Happy Islamo-Fascism Week
    Posted by Brett Lieberman/The Patriot-News October 22, 2007 07:20AM
    Categories: Federal government, Santorum, U.S. Senate
    How are you celebrating?

    We wanted to send our very best to all our terrorist-coddling friends, but the Hallmark store didn't have a card for this occasion.

    Perhaps it's a business opportunity for former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, who will be spreading the word and fear on college campuses across Pennsylvania as part of this weeks events. We can't wait for the book and movie to see how this ends.

    Santorum, R-Pa., is due to speak at Penn State University Tuesday at 8 p.m., the University of Pennsylvania on Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. and at Temple University on Wednesday at 8 p.m.

    "If I were a Muslim on a college campus, I would embrace this movement to show that what we're talking about here is a group of Muslims that is not me," Santorum told us on Friday after receiving standing ovations from evangelical Christians.

    Last we checked he's definitely not a Muslim. And that's certainly not the impression most Muslims are embracing about the head of the "America's Enemies" chief who in his latest threat roundup warns against the Islamist-Marxist Alliance.

    "When you engage in this blanket statement, when Ann Coulter says Jews need to be perfected, when Rick Santorum says you Muslims need to wake up, when he compares homosexuality to incest, it's all the same hate speech," said Kareem Shora, executive director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

    Coulter and other conservatives are among the speakers at programs nationwide organized by David Horowitz.

    Campus festivities begin with a showing of the film, "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West," tonight at Penn State at 8 p.m. and a panel discussion at Penn at 5:30 p.m.

    Penn State officials, while not condoning the rhetoric, called it a free speech issue.

    Santorum responded by saying that moderate Muslims need to get over the word "Islamo-fascism," which he used unsuccessfully to sow fear and stir the electorate in last year's Senate campaign.

    "That's not my problem" with how many Muslims interpret the message, said Santorum. "That is a problem that they must learn to overcome if they are going to enter into a debate and discussion in a pluralistic society."

    Of course, it might help to not irritate or make these moderate Muslims the target of racism and stereotypes so we can have them on our side.

    "We're not doing anything controversial," said Jessica J. Hutchings, acting chair of Penn State's Young Americans for Freedom, the conservative group hosting the events.

    So if this is all a big hub-bub over nothing, why was she at a loss to explain her concerns that her job prospects could be hurt if her name were to appear in the newspaper as the leader of the group associated with Islamo-Fascism week?

    Links enabled at the link above, at the beginning of my comment.
