
Thursday, December 06, 2007

"Islamophobia" Round Up

Manan Ahmed over at Cliopatria is very upset about all the "Islamophobia" that he claims to see in America. In a recent post, he cites as evidence of this endemic hostility to Islam Mitt Romney's alleged statement that he would never have a Moslem in his cabinet and the rumor mongering about Obama being a Moslem. Then Ahmed tips his hand with this statement:

It is perhaps no great shock to anyone that a healthy amount of Islamophobia exists in the current political and cultural climate. The absurdities of teddy bears named Muhammad are constantly played in our media as de facto expressions of an irrational and medieval faith - with nary a word on the political machinations behind the street protests.

According to Ahmed, and his ilk, the Teddy Bear Jihad is an isolated incident that was motivated by backroom political maneuvering. For whatever reason, Ahmed fails to mention the Sudan government doing the maneuvering is an Islamist one that has imposed Sharia Law upon the country, engaged in genocide in Darfar and has made war on its Christian citizens in the southern part of the country. In Ahmed's apologia for an "irrational and medieval faith" there is no mention of the countless Jihad motivated "absurdities" that occur on a daily basis throughout the world.

Whether Ahmed realizes it or not the purpose of the "Islamophobia" canard is to end all criticism of Islam and discussion of Jihad in the West. A ancillary purpose of this propaganda campaign is to blame the victims by positing the absurdity that Jihad inspired terrorism is the result of "Islamophobia." For example the UN Human Rights Council floated this trial balloon just this last September:

"Islamophobia today is the most serious form of religious defamation," Doudou Diene told the UN Human Rights Council, which is currently holding a three-week session in Geneva.

"We see the initiatives and activities of many groups and organisations which are working hard to bring about a war of civilizations," he said, adding that right-wing groups were trying to equate Islam with violence and terrorism.

African and Islamic countries welcomed the report and called for moves to draft an international treaty that would compel states to act against any form of defamation of religion.

It is important to define terms. This is a hard task when dealing with an anti-concept such as "Islamophobia" whose purpose is to end discussion on the topic at hand and intimidate those who harbor thoughtcrime by rejecting multiculturalism and the moral relativism on which it is based. In his essay "Islamophobia" Ed Cline has provided a definition:

In this context, “Islamophobia” can be defined as a fear of being under the rule of a theocracy -- any theocracy -- but especially a tyranny that promises death, dismemberment, or slavery for anyone not submitting to it. Any doubt about its means and ends ought to be dispelled by citing just one of the many verses from the Koran that prescribe the fate of non-believers in Allah to develop a healthy fear of Islam: “They (infidels) will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off.”
Those who use the "Islamophobia" anti-concept to silence critics of the gradual implimentation of Sharia Law where it doesn't yet exist are currently using the term for their full court press on censorship. This weekend at the Grand Cevahir Hotel in Constantinople there is a scheduled "International Islamophobia Conference." As Robert Spencer notes, many of the usual apologists for Jihad and Sharia Law will be in attendance along with a few anti-Semites.

In order to assure the rest of us that we have no need to fear for our basic liberties from Moslems, two "mainstream" Moslem groups are trying to shut-up a well known writer and a equally well known radio commentator. Something called the Canadian Islamic Conference has issued a complaint against Mark Steyn for what is in Canada (and Europe) the actionable offense of hurting their feelings:

Up north, the Canadian Islamic Congress announced the other day that at least two of Canada’s “Human Rights Commissions” – one federal, one provincial – had agreed to hear their complaints that their “human rights” had been breached by this “flagrantly Islamophobic” excerpt from my book, as published in the country’s bestselling news magazine, Maclean’s.

With their success in forcing Cambridge University Press in burning Alms for Jihad the "Islamophobia" bunch have moved onto adding commercial works to the pry.

Meanwhile here in America, CAIR continues its slander campaign against Michael Savage in order to get him off the airwaves:

Americans don’t have to look to Sudan to see Islamic fanaticism and extremism in action. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is trying to destroy the Savage Nation radio show featuring Michael Savage. Having forced the firing of radio host Michael Graham from WMAL in Washington, D.C., CAIR is trying to force independent conservative Michael Savage off the air nationally by intimidating his advertisers. Officially, CAIR claims its mission includes encouraging “dialogue.” But this is a big lie.

We had better wake up fast. “They’re applying Sharia law here,” says Bill Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam. “In the United States we’re getting Sharia law by the inch. Islam cannot be criticized. It is a sin against Allah. What Savage has done is a grievous sin against Allah, Mohammed and Islam. They are not making this up. CAIR has no choice here. As a real Muslim, they must condemn anyone who criticizes Islam.”

The Dhimmis in academia are also joining in on the act:

Florida’s attorney general, Bill McCollum, has sent a sharply worded letter to the University of Florida, saying that a vice president of the institution may have limited students’ free speech rights by criticizing posters put up last month to publicize a showing of the controversial documentary, Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West. Campus Republican groups sponsored the event, and their posters said: “Radical Islam Wants You Dead.” The university’s vice president for student affairs, Patricia Telles-Irvin, responded by sending a message to all students in which she called on those who put up the posters to apologize and said that the language on the ad “reinforced a negative stereotype ... and contributed to a generalization that only furthers the misunderstanding of the religion of Islam.”

Even the land of Aloha is not immune to Moslem bullying. In February 2006 during the Cartoon Jihad a "moderate" Moslem group here in Hawaii, Muslim Association of Hawaii, came out in favor of censorship. In an editorial published by the Honolulu Advertiser, Hakim Ouansafi stated that:

Muslims are not against the right of electronic and print media to publish as they see fit. However, no democracy or legal or political system should allow preaching of hate and insults for the sacred values and symbols of others.

This sensitivity to the feelings of others is touching. This is not how it works in nation's under Sharia Law. In the press of such counties Jews are referred to as "pigs and monkeys." In Saudi Arabia it is illegal to practice any religion except that of Islam. In Egypt the Christian Coptics are under constant attack and when their churches are burned down, they are not allowed to rebuilt. Mecca, the most holy Moslem place, is an entire city where only Moslems are allowed to enter. This is the tolerance of Islam.

Crossposted at The Dougout

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