
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Phillipine Government Appeases Muslims By Granting Them A Homeland

Muslims make up 20% of the population of the island of Mindanao in the Phillipines. Somehow, the Phillipine government believes that means the Muslims ought to have their own "Homeland."

Fuck the Muslims.

They ought to have a gun shoved down their collective throat.

If American Buddhists were to demand a "homeland" in our borders would we give it to them?

Why do we fucking appease Muslims like this?

If you want to know why I am so fucking pissed off about this, it's because my wife's family is from Mindanao. My father-in-law fought to make sure Muslims did not take over.

And now the stupid fucking Phillipine government decides to cave in.

Should we all just fucking cave in everytime Muslims want land?

Here's the story:

DATU BLAH SINSUAT, Philippines, Dec 5 (Reuters) - When Christians in the southern Philippines heard that the government and Islamic rebels had agreed to expand a homeland for Muslims on their island, they panicked.

“We started buying some weapons to defend our families and community,” said Berting, a coconut farmer, whose farm sits in the heart of a mainly Muslim province in the southern Philippine island of Mindanao.

Berting, who declined to give his last name, is a Catholic whose grandfather settled in the area nearly 80 years ago when Christian farmers moved to the lush jungles and valleys of mostly Muslim Mindanao.

A conflict between Catholics and Muslims has raged on the island for the past 40 years, resulting in the deaths of 120,000 people. But now the sides say that they are close to a final peace deal and might sign an agreement next year.

After a decade of stop-start negotiations, the government and the country’s largest Islamic rebel group agreed last month on the boundaries of a proposed homeland for Muslims, who make up around 20 percent of Mindanao’s population.

The thought chills Berting.

“If things don’t turn out that well, we might sell what we have here and move to my wife’s place in another part of Mindanao. My neighbours were thinking the same thing, we’ll leave this place and re-settle elsewhere.”


  1. This story puts the lie to those who would say that Ethnic Nationalism (i.e. an organization like the Vlaams Belang) will settle Europe's problems.

  2. HEAR! HEAR!...Isn't this happening in Thailand aswell?

  3. Doesn't it eventually happen wherever Muslims are?
