
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Robert E Lee and Tough Choices

Having gone to school in Charlottesville, Va in the mid-late 60's (while it was all men, btw), and early on having anLeeStatue_img4101a.jpg interest in what causes men to go to war, I formed a special interest in that war where no cultural or civilizational errors were made by one side of the other thus precipitating what might otherwise had been avoided.

So, in my bookish historical travels I've read most if not all of what Douglas Southall Freeman, Macpherson, Foote, Grant, Longstreet, Pfanz, DK Goodwin, on and on, had to say on the subject.

I have spent much time in the south, finding among the cottages in Pt. Clear, AL for instance, a panoply of pictures of the commanders of the regiments, brigades and division of the armies the south fielded under Johnston, Braxton Bragg, Sam Hood, and Beauregard in the 'west', still maintained above the mantle, as they had been in that family since the 1870's.

Atop this pyramid of perceived honor, of course, rested the laurel wreath wearer of courtly, gentlemanly devotion to duty, courage and above all, HONOR, one R E Lee.

Offered the generalship of all the union armies at the outset of the war, Lee refused citing his duty to his home, Virigina. Wa-hoo-wa.

Just one detail. Just one tiny detail. Just one speck to flick a bit of dirt on the eternal legacy of Robert Edward Lee.


You had to fight for the existence of slavery to uphold your vision of honor and duty you complete schmuck. This tiny detail besmirches every display of that flag, every statue in southern cities, every parade giving homage to the undeniable bravery of so many men who at best were so horribly misguided that they allied their souls beneath a sin so great it had to be washed away in a sea of blood.

The blood of more men than sacrificed themselves in all the rest of our wars added together.

And so Robert E Lee offered the mantle to end slavery (as all knew the war was REALLY about), chose instead to defend, and prolong it, despite the effort to clothe slavery's defense in defending the hearth and home. They are eternally inseparable. And inexcusable. More for a man like Lee than any other. I am so sorry to say so, but it is so.

And so today we turn to the pretzel logic of otherwise good people who are willing to make 'tough choices' to defeat that Islam which beheads at a teddy bear's name.

I am not one who finds at this point that it is likely that neo nazis are among us in europe in this movement, though there is NO argument that they and collaborators with the nazis were there at the birth of some of these national movements. No argument at all.

"White Europe" is no more a metaphor today than to Ross Barnett, George Wallace, or Strom Thurmond, all their lives.

I am one who does believe that in the refusal of Phillip Dewinter to find a way (or even TRY to find a reasonable way) to excoriate his own words on a WHITE EUROPE we see someone who was, like Hillary and the war in Iraq, afraid to alienate his base of supporters, who would have seen any retreat on this core of all issues, as cowardice to multiculturalism.

Thus within the forces of those who have an opinion about mobs shouting for the beheading of the 54 year old teacher in the Sudan, and within the European LEADERSHIP of these forces, are unquestioned white supremacists, whose prime motive is white cultural defense, and who shelter in the clothes of opposition to an imperial, intolerant, racist salafist and khomeinist Islam.

Like Robert E Lee, and Longstreet, these good people among us, have decided that duty requires them not only to support and defend such people as purport to have a white europe, not only to push them forward as icons of defense against Sayd Qutb's Islam, but to attack those who accurately identify what is among us, masquerading as cultural defense, as being 'smearing multiculturalists', who are transfixed after all by 'political correctness' thus proving I suppose that we are dilettantes, unwilling to dirty our skirts.

An orgy of verbose delusion, in short, to avoid the horrific reality underlying Robert E Lee's analogous self damnation. He chose to defend slavery.

They have chosen to defend white europe.

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