
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Shit Named Mohammed


  1. The closing of the video was quite impressive.

    I think it's not just what Moslems do. The reaction of the West makes it much, much worse. This is worth remembering in this context.

    As far as the teddy bear is concerned, what has happened to that woman is incredible, but even more incredible are the reactions to it. Try a Google News search for the words "innocent mistake" as in "Teachers at the school...said that Ms Gibbons had made an innocent mistake by letting her pupils choose their favourite name for the toy as part of a school project" or leading opposition member and shadow foreign minister William Hague: "To condemn Gillian Gibbons to such brutal and barbaric punishment for what appears to be an innocent mistake is clearly unacceptable."

    The qualification "innocent" implies that she made not just an error of judgement of facts, namely not to consider the brutality, backwardness and barbarity of the society in which she chose to live, but undertook a morally and ethically wrong action, for which the punishment is much too harsh because she made an innocent mistake, but basically, without that mistake, justified.

    Mirror and BBC News even talked about an "over-reaction" by the Sudanese authorities.

    And when two Muslim Peers (THE two Muslim Peers) offer to act as go betweens, the headline is "British Muslims offer to mediate" (or words to that effect), which implies that THE British Mulims try to do that when it's only TWO.


    A reward of 100 billion Sudanese dinars (or five US dollars, which ever is the greater at the current exchange rate ) will be offered for the beheading of this vile creature which has escaped Islamic justice.

    Upon being found guilty of defiling the name of Mohammed, by the crime of being called Mohammed, and sentenced to 400 lashes , the bear replied that he never wanted to be known as 'Mohammed' in the first place but preferred to be called 'Christopher'. The sentence was immediately increased to death for apostasy and insulting Islam.

    Unfortunately the will of Allah was thwarted before the sentence could be carried out when the bear escaped, as a result of a raid by the combined forces of Mossad and the SAS (may Allah curse and damn these pigs and monkeys and then really lose his temper and bladder control and scream and roll around on the floor in a full scale tantrum and spreading pool of pee ).

    The bear has since appeared in England as a British National Party mascot and has converted to Anglicanism.

    Shaheeds - you know what Allah expects! Decapitate the apostate bear! And just think what you could buy with 100 billion Sudanese dinars - a camel, two goats, four wives - or best of all a really sexy little catamite!

    Allah Akhbar!!!

  3. Mullah Abdullah,

    You are the best. Thanks for checking in.

  4. There is nowhere in the world, where Islam represents any significant portion of the population, where there is peace.

  5. Hail for The True Allah, YHWH!
    Cursed for fake god, allah...!
