
Saturday, December 01, 2007

Storm Track Intimidation: Muslim Students File Human Rights Complaint Against University

Now, normally universities and colleges in the West are in bed with Islam and can’t do enough to accommodate Muslim students. But there are some things even a dhimmi will refuse to do.

In this case, a decision by McGill University to expand classroom and laboratory space. It seems at McGill, education trumps ‘religious tolerance’.

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

1 comment:


    Are the BNP the 'canary in the coalmine' indicating the stifling of free speech for everybody in Britain?

    Take a look at the comments section in and scroll down until you come to one by 'Baligha' .

    Quote "We must indeed prevent Griffin and the BNP from spouting their inflammatory rabble-rousing poison, especially in universities where they may influence immature and gullible minds."

    What arrogance! She (according to 'Baligha' is a female Muslim name) is saying that the brightest young adults in the country are incapable of forming their own opinions.

    But the most sinister part is...

    "We need to be aware of coded messages of racism thinly disguised as theological discussion. If you visit BNP blogs you'll find them full of cut-and-paste quotes from Jihadwatch etc which often themselves consist of quotations from the Koran taken completely out of context, which are used to 'prove' that all Muslims are potential terrorists.

    So as well as enforcing 'no platform' for people and parties, we need also to consider imposing 'no platform' for ideologies which seek to maliciously malign Islam with the deliberate intention of inciting quasi-racist hatred of Muslims.

    'Counter-jihadists', as they call themselves, are the new Paki-bashers."

    In other words, what she is advocating is the complete stifling of any criticism whatsoever of Islam as 'quasi-racist hatred'. So 'No Platform' will not just be applied to the BNP, but will also extend to any Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist etc who might wish to critically examine Islam on university premises.

    The UAF do not publish anything on their blog which contradicts their policies, so we can assume this is what they are ultimately intending.
