
Monday, December 03, 2007

Time to investigate the CIA for domestic political activities

U.S.: Iran halted nuclear weapons program in 2003



WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence has determined that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 but believes it is continuing to develop technical capabilities that could be used for building a bomb, a government report said on Monday.

The latest National Intelligence Estimate released by the Bush administration also said Iran would likely be capable of producing enough enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon "sometime during the 2010-2015 time-frame."

(Reporting by Matt Spetalnick, editing by Patricia Wilson)

According to THIS BOOK: less than 6 months later, the IAEA, the European T-3 (Britain, German and France) all found otherwise, let alone our own intelligence, and THIS BOOK details how careerist policy empires, and the need to be right trumps any consideration of national interest time and time again.


I will remind readers that it took the USA using technology extant in 1944 TEN MONTHS to make a working U-235 weapon from solving the technological problems of gaseous diffusion. Using P-2 centrifuges the BEST case is that Iran is months away from this situation. The IAEA confirms over 3000 P-2's in operation now. They are building more.

That is what WE KNOW ABOUT.

I will also remind readers that no national intelligence entity ours or others, has EVER accurately predicted the state of another nation's nuclear weapons programs within a factor of YEARS. NONE. EVER. When Pakistan finally tested a weapon in 1998, it later came out they had a STOCKPILE of weapons they were completely confident of, and tested one for political reasons.

Bolton relates with unmistakable detail just how far things went even in 2004, when Chirac told the Americans, it was impossible to trust the Shia in any agreement.

We, here in the USA, have a highly politicized, and highly partisan CIA whose leaks are engineered for political purposes which may not benefit the nation, and the safety of the people. However one feels, the arrogation of leaking national security information, correct or purposefully incorrect against the will of our elected leaders, republican or democrat, is unlawful domestic political action by the CIA, and people should be taken to task.




Yet at the same time officials were airing these dire warnings, analysts at the Central Intelligence Agency were secretly concluding that Iran's nuclear weapons work halted years ago and that international pressure on the Islamic regime in Tehran was working.

The conclusions, arriving with stunning suddenness, are most likely to be a major factor in the tense international negotiations aimed at getting Iran to halt its nuclear energy program, and they come in the middle of a U.S. presidential campaign during which a possible military strike against Iran's nuclear program has been discussed.

Why would the administration release such findings in direct contradiction to every single thing which they have no tonly been saying, but which organizations lined up against this admin have found themselves, such as the IAEA?


The White House national security adviser, Stephen Hadley, at a press conference yesterday, denied there were echoes of the intelligence failure over Iraq's phantom weapons of mass destruction. He said that Iran was "one of a handful of the hardest intelligence targets going" and the new intelligence had only arrived in the past few months. As soon as it did, both the president and Congress had been briefed. He warned that there would be a tendency now to think "the problem is less bad than we thought, let's relax. Our view is that would be a mistake."

Very curious and inexplicable behavior.


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely. Miss Media is bending over the desk with Mr. CIA close behind her, "feeding her" the story.

    Anyone who believes that either Iran or North Korea have stopped work on producing nuclear weapons is simply too stupid to take care of himself without a personal nurse to wipe away the drool, and other excreta.
