
Sunday, December 09, 2007

Will Britain One Day Be Muslim

That was the question posed by the Daily Mail back in May:

... will we continue to allow the politically-correct lunatics to stay in charge of what is becoming an asylum?

I'm one of those old-fashioned immigrants to this country who feels passionately grateful, is proudly British (as well as Irish - having been born in Dublin), and believes that immigrants have more duties than rights.

And, further, that one of those is to adjust to British society rather than expecting it to adjust to them.

However, one aspect of contemporary British society which I refuse to adjust to is its weakness in the face of the enemy within.

In my many conversations with like-minded people about the threat that radical Islam poses to the British way of lifen - and, indeed, to European civilisation - we frequently end by despairingly agreeing that the West seems intent on committing political and cultural suicide.

When we look starkly at the demographic statistics, the wimpishness of our Establishment in the face of the threat, the perversions perpetrated by political correctness and our own passivity, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that within a couple of generations, Islam will be in control in Europe.

And before anyone says that there would be nothing wrong if this happened, since the vast majority of Muslims are tolerant people who would not dream of interfering with our way of life, it's necessary to point out that in Muslim countries, it's usually the radicals and extremist mullahs - who regard tolerance as a vice - who make the running.

This occurs too in microcosm in Muslim ghettoes around Europe
: we saw the frightening fundamentalist fringe of Islam marching, threatening and perpetrating violence over the publication of cartoons depicting Mohammed in Denmark while the majority of Muslims - who, yes, of course, are tolerant and decent - kept their mouths shut and stayed at home.

The danger of ending up like those poor, despotic and medieval Islamic states in which millions live miserably is a prospect that Christians, Hindus, moderate Muslims and non-believers should be uniting to prevent. But the truth is that we are doing little to stop it.

Consider first at a few chilling statistics. Europeans are failing to reproduce. Just to keep the population steady, you need 2.1 live births per woman.

However, in 2005, the European average was 1.38. In Ireland it was 1.9, France 1.89, Germany 1.35 and Italy 1.23. Britain scored in the middle of this range with 1.6, but that was because - like France - we have a large Muslim population with a high birth rate. Indeed, Muslims are outbreeding non-Muslims throughout Europe.

"Just look at the development within Europe," said a triumphant Norwegian imam a few months ago, "where the number of Muslims is expanding like mosquitoes. Every Western woman in the EU is producing an average of 1.4 children. Every Muslim woman in the same countries is producing 3.5 children. Our way of thinking will prove more powerful than yours."

Confronted with this demographic-revolution and official statistics which showed there were too few young people to support an ageing population, European governments decided to embrace immigration as an inherent good without giving any thought to the consequences.

As a result,
politicians and businessmen assured us that we had to have economic growth in order to prop up ever greater public spending and that it could be provided only by importing large numbers of workers from abroad.

But why wasn't there a national debate about whether it was wise to mortgage our cultural future for the sake of a mess of financial pottage?

Where were the politicians arguing against the doctrine of multiculturalism which holds that upholding majority values is somehow illegitimate?

Who among the liberal elite's commentariat were challenging the moral relativism that flew in the face of sense and sensibility by insisting that the culture of Shakespeare, the King James Bible, Keats's poetry, Turner's paintings and Elgar's music was no more important than - and probably morally inferior to - the cultures of other imported, minorities?

We know the answer all too well. Cries of racism drowned out rational argument - not just here, but throughout old Europe.

As one gloomster put it: "Political correctness, which is to thought what sentimentality is to compassion, means that the intelligentsia of the West has disarmed itself in advance of any possible struggle."

The result of all this, as recent events have made tragically clear, was that British culture was undermined and social cohesion severely damaged.

... instead of being told by the host community that if they didn't want to adhere to the values of a liberal, pluralistic democracy, they should return home, they were asked how they would like Britain to conform to their values.

The story was much the same throughout Europe.

Meanwhile, the BBC is planning to air a show about an eleven year old girl who find spiritual solace living among Muslims:

The BBC is to risk controversy with a season of programmes about a white working class "under siege".

It will include a "provocative" drama about a white girl who moves into a Muslim-dominated community and starts wearing the hijab.

The film shows the girl finding calm and safety that is lacking in her home, in the Muslim faith. She is befriended by a young Asian neighbour and shocks her family by adopting Muslim dress.

The BBC described the film as "provocative and emotional" and a "tender exploration of Islam through the eyes of a child".

Islam through the eyes of a child, huh? They ought to ask Mohammed's child bride, the nine year old Aisha, how she felt about Islam during her childhood.


  1. The prospect of the UK becoming Muslim should send shivers down any thinking person's spine.

    Islam is diametrically-opposed to all that we stand for. Islam and democracy are totally and utterly immiscible. This is a fact that should never be forgotten.

    There seems to be resignation in the people of the West in general, and the UK in particular, a sense that they are unable to do anything about the inevitable. The cravenness of the establishment and the media help not one jot to stir up the people to action.

    The BBC, for example, has been singing the praises of Islam for a long time now, even going as far as educating women on the names of the different styles of headgear: niqab, abbaya, chador, etc. And, of course, instructing people how they can copy the style! It's all quite, quite sickening really. Tha fact is, too, that in the case of the BBC, they use taxpayers' money to disseminate this 'essential' knowledge.

    Unfortunately, it has to be said that the British are a complacent people - complacent and far, far too tolerant. It used to be said that a Brit is only any good in fighting back when his back is against the wall. So it was with Nazi Germany; and if the Brits are to fight back, so it will be with Islam. There is one problem, though: People today have had such a soft life that they have little grit for the fight ahead of them. Believing in nothing much except mammon and enjoyment, they wouldn't know what they were fighting for! - ©Mark Alexander

  2. All I can say, Mark, is I hope you are wrong. However, I see no evidence that you are.

    The strange thing is how easy it would be to beat this if we were only to decide to fight.


    Fitzgerald: Clean out the BBC

    The BBC needs to be cleaned out, top to bottom, and this requires a Parliamentary investigation. It needs to have John Simpson (see here for more) discharged as head of the World Service. It needs to be asked why it is refusing to reveal the contents of an investigation into bias in its coverage of the "Middle East conflict" (which means the Lesser Jihad against Israel).

    In a few -- just a few -- cases, the outcry was too strong, and the outrageousness of the coverage too egregious, to be ignored, so a few transfers were made. For example, there was Orla Guerin, married to a "Palestinian" and a determined propagandist herself for The Cause. The steady drip-drip-drip in her outrageous coverage did so much to poison the minds of so many listeners, steadily over so many years, about Israel. She's now been sent to South Africa, where she will continue to do what she can -- for example, she'll never cover the growing Muslim threat in Capetown, because for her, with her view, there is no Muslim threat.

    as they say, read the rest at the link provided above.

  4. Pastorius:

    Yes, I hope I am wrong, too; but I fear I am not.

    As you rightly say, it would be easy to beat this threat if only people were prepared to "fight". But not only do they need to fight, they need the desire to preserve our superior way of life. And that, my friend, is sadly lacking!

  5. Yes, Anonymous, indeed! The BBC should be cleaned out, from top to bottom. Great piece by Hugh there.

  6. I've noted that Leftists and Islamophiles absolutely adore the BBC. What does that tell you?

  7. Mark said, There seems to be resignation in the people of the West in general...

    People are feeling that our leadership has failed. We can't stem the tide of Islamification without the leadership to do so!

    I'm finding myself more and more pessimistic the past several months. What will it take for our leaders to stand up? They seem more interested in appeasement!

  8. Mark said, Unfortunately, it has to be said that the British are a complacent people - complacent and far, far too tolerant.

    Tolerating the intolerable--that will be the West's downfall, which is happening by inches now but will accelerate, IMO.

  9. I think the BBC is not ALL with (IMHO) most liberals there is a well meaning (although suicidally naive) refusal to accept that some people...some cultures...actually, really do have ill will towards us...even towards those who defend them. This is a short sighted view. Liberal secular values are not worth a damn if those same values stop you from defending them...hence my Zeitgeist. A liberal who doesn't recognise a threat is at best under informed...and at worst naive. Some are wakeing up to reality...and the sooner the better...The other factor is the corrupt self serving bad governance of the baby boomer's generation here in the UK. As the article points out, the economic conditions created by 30+ years of bad governance that has only served the middle and upper socio economic classes has made it increasingly difficult for British (working class) people to have children, in fact the conditions actually serves the Asian/Muslim populations lifestyle. After the fragmentation of society under Thatcher (..'their is no such thing as society any more'...was her proud boast...)the very tight and extended family bonds of the unintegrated Asian/Muslim population has seen (because of the support network this provides) that demographic continue to breed in large numbers. Whilst other sectors of the working class populace are faced with either trying to raise a child on welfare or struggling to work and raise one. Of course there are other socio economic factors at play, but IMHO these are the most relevant to the causation of the situation. The looming economic disaster that is the pensions crisis definatley motivated, especially this Labour government to throw the doors open to new migrants, without planning for the needs of an increased populace, forcing local authorities to serve 2 X the population on 1X the budget, without insisting on a pro active process of screening or naturalisation. Today's migrants are every bit as unintegrated as yesterdays Asian/Muslim migrants.
