
Monday, January 28, 2008

Coming to a Town Near You Shortly: The Sonorous Sound of the Muezzin’s Call to Prayer - Al Adhan

The Muezzin’s Call to the Faithful to Prayer

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)


  1. Does the neighborhood get treated to this yowling wherever a mosque is built or are there any local ordinances sparing them?

    I wonder what the effect would be of mounting some loudspeakers on neighborhood roofs and piping, say, the Hallelujah Chorus at them 5 times a day, full volume. Improve their music appreciation, if nothing else.

  2. Most dogs would go nuts if they heard that sound.

    Just imagine living in a place where you heard that wail five times a day!

    Isn't there a midnight call?

  3. RRA,
    Does the neighborhood get treated to this yowling wherever a mosque is built or are there any local ordinances sparing them?

    Not in an Islamic country.

    And what goes on in Dearborn, Michigan?
