
Monday, March 03, 2008

5000 Missiles hitting Israel not worth defending - UN..How about AZTLAN 'militants' sending 5000 missiles into San Diego?


ASHKELON, Israel (AP) - Residents of this beachside city are still coming to terms with being on the front lines of Israel's battle against Hamas militants.

A dozen long-range rockets slammed into Ashkelon over the weekend, marking a significant turning point in the conflict and compelling Israel to strike back hard.

"Until yesterday, I never would have believed that I would see the things I saw," said Rachel Shimoni, 66, as she stood amid shards of glass, blown out of the front window of her clothing store. "All of a sudden, the reality has changed."

Palestinian militants fire rockets nearly daily at Sderot and other Israeli border towns near Gaza. But by reaching Ashkelon, a city of 120,000 people about 11 miles north of Gaza, Hamas raised the stakes considerably. It is one of the largest cities in southern Israel, home to Mediterranean beaches, a college and strategic installations like an electric plant and a water purification plant.

GAZA (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned Israel for using


"excessive" force in the Gaza Strip and demanded a halt to its offensive after troops killed 61 people on the bloodiest day for Palestinians since the 1980s.

Addressing an emergency session of the Security Council in New York after four days of fighting in which 96 Palestinians have been killed, many of them civilians, Ban also called on Gaza's Islamist militants to stop firing rockets.

After voluntarily leaving Gaza to the Palestinians, dismantling all settlements, and forcibly removing the settlers, which as we all know, the Palestinians claimed was the entire reason (illegal settlements and occupation) for violence, it's hysterically obvious with 5000+ missiels since pounding into pre-1967 Israel what it has always been about. It's about removing non dhimmi jews from life, and frmo the waqf. The rest of the world in the form of the UN is in favor of simply removing this problem, and is clearly readying itself to adapt to what it perceives to te the most difficult group to deal with, and satisfying them, so it can get back to its third world corruption and lunch at Lutece, expensed of course. Thus, the world is prepared to scold the palestinians and the arabs whose leaders backing them with money, smuggling and weapons, but they are not prepared to see the jews DEFEND THE NATION being attacked.

They never will be.

That is why the UN is useless and belongs somewhere else, where it's nature is fitting.


Good bye.

Pay the parking fines up and be on your way.

I disagree with Bolton on this one, the UN can NEVER be an instrument or advance and protect American interests. It is a mutant cancer. It is not what FDR, and Truman dreamed of.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this Epi....We need all the assistance we can get.

    The truth can be very uncomfortable.


