
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Calling Walmart shoppers ...DUNCAN HUNTER:U.S. trade surplus financing PRC's military buildup

A senior Republican House member said last week that U.S. trade dollars are helping underwrite China's aggressive military buildup.

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) said in a statement that the cash provided by the U.S. trade surplus with China is being used to buy foreign weaponry and technology for use in ships, aircraft and missiles.

A Sovremenny Class destroyer.

"China is buying Russian-made Sovremenny II guided missile destroyers fitted with anti-ship cruise missiles -- providing China with a capability to challenge American aircraft carriers; submarines, such as the Kilo-class diesel submarine; a battalion of S-300PMU-2 surface-to-air missile systems with an intercept range of 200 kilometers; AWACS aircraft with air-to-air refueling capability; and sophisticated communications equipment," he said.
Still want those cheap shoes than make you feet sweat?

China is also building a new attack helicopter called the Z-10, its first domestically produced attack helicopter. And the Su-27SMK/Flanker is being built through a co-production agreement with Russia. It is a high-performance aircraft capable of effective warfare against America's top-line fighters.

You know, the ones that fall apart under training stress in mid air since they are so old, but Asst SecDef Gordon England won't allow even a 1 for 1 replacement?

Beijing also is building second-generation nuclear submarines, such as the JIN-class nuclear-powered ballistic submarine; the LUYANG II class destroyer with a vertical launch air defense system; the JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missile; and the road-mobile DF-31A intercontinental-range ballistic missile. China also continues to show interest in developing an indigenous aircraft carrier capability.

The U.S. trade deficit with China for 2007 was $256 billion, Hunter said.

1 comment:

  1. Still want those cheap shoes than make you feet sweat?

    A few weeks ago, I recall reading an article about cheap flip flops sold at Walmart (made in China) causing serious chemical burns. Since I needed to replace my ratty gym shoes I decided to shop for sneakers - but only for a pair made in America. Having gone to several large footwear retailers (not Walmart), my 10 year old son and I were flabbergasted to discover that EVERY pair (hundreds!) of athletic shoes was "MADE IN CHINA". What the hell?!
    Today, I read about the "sensitivity trained" and fully Islamicised Walmart in Dearbornistan over at Schlussel's site. In the comments I also discovered that Walmart imports their chicken and fish from China. YUK!
    Folks are quick to dismiss accomodation to local populations too easily. When has Walmart introduced specialty items AND Sensitity training on behalf of Jews? Hindus? Hispanics? Orientals? etc. ad nauseaum?

    I have not purchased any meat at Walmart, so that has not been an issue. However, reading about 'sensitivity training' and Walmarts consideration of market protections for Arab competition in Dearbornistan, has sealed their fate with me. Walmart can go pound sand.
