
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Every mommy's religion of peas

It's not wonderful enough to learn of Zahra Maladan Lebanese editor, and Hizbomommy supreme. Now....

Coalition rolls up 100-woman suicide cell in raid of Iraq safe house

BAGHDAD -- Iraq has captured an Al Qaida-aligned cell that recruited and deployed women for suicide operations.
Maybe their punishment should be 1000 hours of continuous Mr. Rogers
On March 1, Iraqi and U.S. troops raided a suspected Al Qaida safe house in Al Makhesa, in northeastern Diyala. Officials said scores of suspected women operatives recruited as suicide bombers were arrested.

The women suicide cell was said to have consisted of 100 operatives. Officials said Al Qaida has increased its use of women for suicide operations. The women cell was said to have operated in the Diyala province. Officials said some of the women were recruited by their husbands for suicide operations against Iraqi and U.S. forces.

The U.S. military also detained the commander of the women suicide cell. Officials said the male commander was based in Ghalibiya in western Diyala.


U.S. military commander Gen. David Petraeus reported a slight increase in suicide-vest attacks in Iraq. He said the suicide vests were being handed to women, regarded as being more capable of reaching their targets than car bombs.

Is this the death worshiped for by adherents of Qaradawi, and Tantawi? Is the value of such death the same as a mom throwing herself on a hand grenade to protect her children from people such as this? Is this the fate for mothers? Who gulls these poor morons as young adults and teenagers into believing this is god's intent? What miscreants use these girls for the tactical and strategic purpose of killing innocents?

"We are going after Al Qaida relentlessly wherever they are, and wherever we can find them, we put our teeth into their jugular," Petraeus said on March 2.


  1. "Officials said some of the women were recruited by their husbands for suicide operations"

    Never mind, there's always the spares to fall back on.

    Look on the bright side, they won't be breeding.

    On the other hand what sort of loving husband would volunteer his wife for this? Just another Muslim exploitation of women by subhuman beings.

  2. "Who gulls these poor morons as young adults and teenagers into believing this is god's intent? "

    Their families mostly. It's a great honor to have a 'shaheed' as a relative, and what's more these inbred braindead morons also believe that a shaheed can intercede with The Man in the Moon to take 70 of his/her relatives up to the brothel in the sky, no matter what their sins.
