
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

FARC Endorses Obama

Is he the One?

FARC, a terrorist group supported by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who is believed to be actively seeking to build a "dirty bomb", has made it clear they support an Obama Presidency.


Because they like his platform, or what they believe to be his platform. And, we thought he wasn't proposing any concrete solutions.

The computers captured this past weekend by Colombian soldiers at the campsite of FARC #2 Raul Reyes contained loads of damning information on FARC sympathizers and allies.

FARC Leader Raul Reyes was killed this weekend by Colombian forces. (LePoint)
The Colombians captured two FARC terrorist laptop computers at the terrorist camp.

The Colombians discovered a treasure trove of information on the laptops including:

-- FARC connections with Ecuadorean president Rafael Correa
-- Records of $300 million offerings from Hugo Chavez
-- Thank you notes from Hugo Chavez dating back to 1992
-- Uranium purchasing records
-- Directions on how to make a Dirty Bomb

But, no one expected this---The FARC Terrorists were hoping and expecting that Barack Obama would win the US elections in November because he was most aligned with the Colombian Marxist group.

This document was posted at Martha Colmenares (in Spanish) and Free Republic:

"6. Los gringos pedirán cita con el ministro para solicitarle nos comunicara su interés en conversar estos temas. Dicen que el nuevo presidente de su país será Obama y que ellos están interesados en sus compatriotas. Obama no apoyara Plan Colombia ni firma de TLC. Aquí respondimos que nos interesan las relaciones con todos los gobiernos en igualdad de condiciones y que en el caso de Estados Unidos se requiere in pronunciamiento público expresando su interés en conversar con las Farc dada su eterna guerra con nosotros. Es todo, Abrazos, Raúl."

6. The gringos will ask for an appointment with the minister to solicit him to communicate to us his interest in discussing these topics. They say that the new president of their country will be Obama and that they are interested in your compatriots. Obama will not support "Plan Colombia" nor will he sign the TLC (Colombian Free Trade agreement). Here we responded that we are interested in relations with all governments in equality of conditions and that in the case of the US it is required a public pronouncement expressing their interest in talking with the FARC given their eternal war against us.

Obama's allies on the world stage are shaping up to be a shady bunch. Raila Odinga has an agreement with a fundamentalist Muslim group to enact Sharia law if he is elected. FARC wants to set off a radiation massacre, and Samantha Power wants to invade Israel.

Oh yeah, and did I forget to mention, Obama wants to invade Pakistan, a nuclear nation who has, up to now, been an ally in the War on Terror.

Uh, wow!


  1. All day I've been listening to Boston-area commentators Michael Graham and Jay Severin run on about how one of Hillary's options is to discover some "scandal" about Obama she can use to force him to drop out of the race. FIND some "scandal"?? Hell, something like the FARC information in this post should be enough to wound any normal candidate. A thorough investigation of Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, of his associates and mentors and cronies from Indonesia to Chicago to Kenya, his bitter America-hating wife, the NoI members on his staff, his ultra-liberal record when he bothers to vote -- yet none of it seems to make a dent. The disclosure of the FARC documentation speaks to the issue of national security and that appears to be a dead issue to Obama's following. These people refuse to identify the enemy or acknowledge the danger and obviously agree on at least some level with Michelle Obama that America is not worth saving except on their Marxist, multiculturalist, racist, dhimmified terms. The Obamacrats aren't running a campaign, they're organizing a sacrificial ritual. Guess who's the goat.

  2. Pastorius,
    Fodder for your interview tomorrow?
