
Sunday, March 02, 2008

"That's For Sure ..."

Marion Cotillard - dumb bitch

Sorry guys, I know this has nothing to do with the Jihad, but I have to post it. From the Telegraph:

Marion Cotillard's 9/11 conspiracy theory

By Peter Allen in Paris

Oscar-winning Marion Cotillard was facing embarrasment with her new American public last night after it emerged that she doubted the official account of the September 11 attacks.

The 32-year-old French star has swept this year’s best actress awards, also receiving a Bafta, Golden Globe and a César for her performance as singer Edith Piaf in La Vie en Rose.

Miss Cotillard, who earned under £1 million in 2007, could expect her Oscar success to significantly increase her earning power. She is due to start filming Public Enemies with Johnny Depp.

But the actress faces a potential backlash in the US over comments she made in an interview in France. Footage which surfaced on the internet showed her questioning the New York terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the 1969 moon landing.

"I think we’re lied to about a number of things," she said, singling out September 11. Referring to the two passenger jets flown into the World Trade Centre, Miss Cotillard said: "We see other towers of the same kind being hit by planes, are they burned? There was a tower, I believe it was in Spain, which burned for 24 hours. It never collapsed. None of these towers collapsed. And there [New York], in a few minutes, the whole thing collapsed."

Miss Cotillard suggested that the towers, planned in the early 1960s, were an outdated "money sucker" which would have cost so much to modernise that it was easier to destroy them.

Are you getting this? This ditz believes the United States knocked down the towers, and killed thousands of people because we're cheap. And then, while we were at it, we decided to start a fucking war too.

I'll bet you this chick is just incredible in bed.

Turning to America’s space programme, she said: "Did a man really walk on the moon? I saw plenty of documentaries on it, and I really wondered. And in any case I don’t believe all they tell me, that’s for sure."

She doesn't believe all "they" tell her, like for instance, that logic exists. An education would be completely wasted on this woman.

Miss Cotillard, who was born and brought up in Paris, made the comments on Paris Première – Paris Dernière (Paris First – Paris Last), a programme first broadcast a year ago.

They were largely ignored at the time, but appeared yesterday on a French website. Miss Cotillard’s film career began in Luc Besson’s 1998 film Taxi. She is an environmental activist, who once worked as a spokeswoman for Greenpeace.

Did I mention that she's French?


  1. She believes what most French believe. Nothing really new here. What is shocking is our depth of ignorance about what it is the vast majority of French people, via their education system, government and media, think about Americans, and why we are hated. She is normal.
    Having said all that, however, she is a dozy bint, that is for sure.

  2. Proves you only need sponge matter in the brain cavity, to be a famous actress.

  3. "I believe there was a tower in Spain which burned for 24 hours and never collapsed"... She must be referring herself to Torre Windsor, here in Madrid. Apart that there are a lot of theories (never investigated) about what really happened (there are people who saw and recorded in a video human figures inside the tower while it was burning), you can see some images of it state after the fire, in whose extinction the firefighters played an important part...

    Actually the security measures did not function at all. BBC report.

    But the actual difference is that no plane hitted Windsor tower as a knife causing a huge damage to its structure and high temperatures INSIDE the building, in its own structure.

    But as the BBC report says it actually collapsed not all but in a major part of it. NOticed the last floors?? Well, they were all equal and it look like a knife cut them off... Actually the demolition teams had to forbid the access to the surroundings as they fear for other pieces of the structure to fall.

    So tell this French actress to know what she's talking about... and then speak about it!!

  4. I've got some bad news for you Israel-firsters: polls of Americans fittingly show a high level of disbelief in the official government 9/11 report.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm a blowback
    Chalmers Johnson/Andrew Bacevich guy, that is, American foreign policy had it comin', with a little LIHOP, Justin Raimondo-style,perhaps thrown in. But the failed Iraq War based on WMD lies did nothing to enhance America's reputation for honesty, except maybe in Tel Aviv.

  5. Ken Hoop,
    What does 9/11 have to do with Israel?

  6. Those Jews. And they think they're God's Chosen People, huh?

  7. Hoop, you are a frigging MORON...the relationship is the other way around, they don't hate us because we back Israel. They hate Israel for both biblical reasons and BECAUSE THEY PERCEIVE TO BE US


    Hoop, it's because people like you want to run around making up law out their own head and VOTE on it, instead of following god's perfect laws they want you, NOT blowback. There is no escape from the dance, and no Sudentenland cowardice will suffice, not for the galactically stupid Johnson, not for the self deceiving Scheurer, and not for you.
