
Saturday, March 01, 2008

WMD In Las Vegas - UPDATED - Probably Not Related To Islamic Terrorism

UPDATE: Police also found an "anarchist type textbook" in the same room where the ricin was discovered. The book was tabbed at a spot with information about ricin.

If the man was using, for instance, The Anarchist's Cookbook, then it is highly unlikely that he is an Islamic terrorist. In fact, it is even possible he could be some white guy angry at the government's dhimmification.

But the question would be, why is he in Vegas?

I like how the latest AP article refers to the Extended Stay America as a hotel for "transients." I would imagine the people who run ESA are not happy to hear that description. I've always known ESA to be a place for businessmen who have to move their center of doing business for an "extended" period of time.

The fact that AP is calling ESA a hotel for transients does give me pause. It's as if they are trying to tell us, "Nothing to see here. Just a crazy "transient". Move along, please."

Anyway ...

Ricin found in a hotel room in Vegas.

Don't worry, though. It was just a "man" cooking up the WMD's. Apparently, it was not a Muslim.

As CNN tells it via LGF:

(CNN) — A man who stayed in a Las Vegas hotel room where ricin was found is in critical condition at a hospital, where he has been since February 14, said Kathy Suey, deputy chief of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

Suey said the man called for medical help on February 14, saying he was suffering from respiratory distress, and was transported to the hospital.

A friend or relative of his who came to remove his belongings from the room found the ricin on Thursday, she said.

Tests confirm the substance found in the room was ricin, police said, but it remains a mystery how it got there.

I was driving around Central California today listening to the radio. I rented a beautiful sports car. I had the top down. It was an awesome experience.

And then, I heard about this on the radio. The news on the radio (in Bakersfield I believe) said Castor beans were found, in addition to the Ricin. Ricin is made from Castor beans.

Being that beans were found and the relative "found" the Ricin, it is safe to say the "man" was making the Ricin. It is highly improbable hotel staff would have accidently left beans behind when they cleaned the room prior to the "man" moving in.

So, it is clear the media, or the police, or both, are lying to us. Trying to keep us safe by lying.

Wouldn't want to create any irrational "Islamophobia" I presume, though, I am sure it is unfair of me to say that.


  1. It was just a "man" cooking up the WMD's. Apparently, it was not a Muslim.

    Do we yet know the man's identity?

  2. (Voiceover Ren - from Ren and Stimpy): You are cruel, man. How could you say such a thing? Don't you realize he suffered for humanity?

  3. REN? Oh, please, not THAT voice, PLEASE NO, not REN!

  4. Police have not identified the man, but a Homeland Security internal document obtained by the Review-Journal states that he is Roger Von Bergendorff.

  5. Michelle Malkin has posted the information about Roger Von Berendorff.

    The investigators and spokespeople involved, think we are a bunch of idiots.

    This story will suddenly disappear.

    Nothing to see here, move along children.

  6. Well, looks like I was right. It was a crazy white guy.

    BUT, what if it was a fundamentalist Christian intent on increasing the "Kingdom of God" by killing thousands of people?

  7. Yes, a white guy. Could be a sympathizer (Adam Gadahn) or an American terrorist (Timothy McVeigh).

    I find it difficult to believe that there was no threat involved here. He had enough ricin to kill thousands. And more beans ready to continue processing. That along with guns tell s me, he had something planned.

  8. Christine,
    You know what? I think you're right. There does seem to be something weird here. Why is the AP calling the Extended Stay America a hotel for "transients." Why did they not release the guy's name right away.

    As you say, he may very well be a Adam Gadahn type.

  9. Pastorius -

    Extended Stay hotels, motto: Less like a hotel, more like home still offers periodic housekeeping services for clean towels and sheets right?

    How is it possible that after an ambulance was called to collect RVR on 2/14, the article states that the presence of two cats and a dog were brought to the hotel mgmt's attention by the relative, Tholen?

    Several viles of ricin were also found by Tholen in a bag with castor beans.

    Two starving cats and a dog left such a bag unmolested for two weeks?

    As for the blanket "not related to terrorism" statement . . .why is the Dept. of Homeland Security involved (the identies come from DHS paperwork)?

  10. Yeah, the more I think about it, even though this guy does have a European name, it very well might be that he is Muslim.

    If not, then why the hell are they being so evasive?

  11. I can't wait to hear what their "reason" is for him having ricin.

    Hell, you can come up with a more innocent reason for having explosives.

    But ricin? It's a biological weapon.
