
Saturday, April 26, 2008

"Halal" products arrive in Spain "before this summer"

The arrival at Spanish market of the Islamic banking way has already been given an arrival day. Before this summer, all the people who would like to hire Halal-guaranteed financial products, that is, those who respect the Sharia law's legal obligations in these matters, would be able to. The main characteristic of the Islamic banking rules is that it does not produce interests or ribaa, because this is forbidden in the Coran, as a form of usury.

It has been already confirmed to El Confidencial Digital by the director of the Halal Institute of the Islamic Council, Isabel Arroyo. It is a business which is already moving between €300,000 and 500,000 millions around the world.

The responsible of the Halal Institute remembers that they have been working in this business with BanCaja -the entity born after an agreement between Spanish Post Service and German Deutsche Bank in Spain- during more than "a year and a half" and that, nowadays, they are continuing with the negotiations, just confronting the last obstacles they are finding to inagurate this kind of banking services. Anyway, arroyo is optimistic and assures, in statements to ECD that "before this summer" this new type of products will be available in Spain.

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