
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Excellent: Phillipe Karsenty wins the al Durah case

Finally, some justice has been found in this most notorious blood libel. As Richard Landes now reports at the Augean Stables, Phillipe Karsenty has won the case. If you can read French, here's something about this from Nouvel Observateur.

We now need to hope that France 2 television will fire Charles Enderlin, and have nothing more to do with the libelous fauxtographer who filmed the propaganda in the first place. They should and must do so if they're to hang onto their credibility as a TV network.

Not only that, but the law in France that allows "high-ranking" people like Enderlin to sue for alleged slander should be changed, just like Canada's alleged Human Right Commission should be discarded. Some calls should be start being made for the abolition of such foolish laws.

Until then, it's relieving to finally see the blood libel of the al Durah hoax discredited.

1 comment:

  1. If every person in the word were as intolerant as the views expressed on this website then we would all be screwed. How do you think this hostility and paranoia will contribute to a better society?

    Surely it will only lead to further polarisation of social groups (of all types) and the destruction of any middle ground and subsequently the prospect of compromise. Sadly I get the impression that this is exactly the outcome that would please the infidels alliance blog. Once all the moderate Muslims evaporate in the heat of this hatred you can all stand aback and point at this newly radicalised group and say 'look, this is how they were all along and we knew'.

    So well done for being right but as it is a situation that you have influenced (for the worse) and gone some way to engineering it would be nothing but a hollow victory. Surely it is better to promote the idea of culturally different people working together toward common goals as a solution to the problem of fundamentalism rather than becoming increasingly fundamentalist about our own views?

    By acting out the latter option the infidels bloggers alliance (or whatever you want to call yourselves) has surely become what it supposedly detests.

    I don't want this to be a one way conversation, as such if anyone is interested in replying to anything I've said please e-mail me at I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
